Friday, May 9, 2014

The Storms of life can be victorious if you believe

“God is my strength—and my guiding light with…Yahweh on my side I can weather any storm.”
I ran to my daddy for protection—and he didn’t disappoint me my mighty rock. “El Shaddai saved me from the cruel, vicious and brutal storm. O Most Holy One of Heaven and Earth, what the devil meant for evil you used it for your glory pushing me into my newly transformed destiny. Hallelujah! Lord God, “I thank you for all my endeavors that will follow me—with your guidance. Heavenly Father, “you are my righteous rock—my protector my all in all and…I love you Lord!”  Believe me when I say this your grace is sufficient! Eternal God, you are the head of my life—I thank you through Jesus Christ, Your beloved Son, You have protected me, by your grace.”I put myself in your care, mind body and soul and all that I have.” Father of Heaven and Earth Let Your holy angels be with me, twenty-four hours a day—so that the evil enemy will not gain power over me. Amen!