Friday, December 5, 2014

" True Leaders will know when and how to delegate their workload"

Here in ( Exodus 18:1-27);Moses meets with his father-in-law Jertho-in the desert of Midian. This is were Moses' recieves his wife and two sons. Jertho a priest himself of Midian visited with Moses. Moses expressed to his wife's father; all that the Lord had been doing for the chosen children of God, they were now free from the Egyptians. Jertho acknowledges with delight... about all the good things the Lord had done; "he said praise be to the ' Lord God' he is greater then all other Gods...and here he offers a burnt sacrfice, and the community of Isreal ate a meal  in the presence of God thy Father. The next day: Moses sits as judge for the people...morning, noon, and night laboring hard he had inadvertently become a workaholic.Jertho, Moses father-in-law saw  Moses workload was to hard for him to maintain by himself. So Jertho gives Moses some simple and very practical advice. He told Moses, that what he was doing is not good ( Exodus18:17-18) you and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out.

Here in Exodus 18:18-32); Jertho gives Moses some. Key principles to us in delegating good qualifed men to help him. 1. This is to much for you to handle by yourself. 2 Listen to me I will give you good advice, and may God be with you. Moses get in tuned with your special calling stand before God for the people with the truley diffcult things that they can not handle. 3 Select competent leaders to assist you... teach them God's decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. select capable men from all the people--men who fear God, love truth, depise dishonesty, won't take a bribe, men of integrity, righteous leaders that are ready to judge when necessary. 4. Give your leaders different levels of authority over thousands, hundreds
fifties and tens...having them judge the easy cases while you judge the hard cases...Wow!  This is a great Biblical example: for choosing Leaders that will know when and how to delegate his workload. I read in article by Dawson Trotman he stated " never do anything of importance that others can do or will do when there is so much of importance to do that others cannot do or will not do. Good advice ! To follow. A true Leader must learn to delegate if they are to properply lead. Another great story! God is indeed awesome!

Heavenly Father, I thank "You" for your wisdom, knowledge, and understaning of "Your" word. I thank "You" for delegating my time so that I can handle the truly important aspects of "your" will Lord. I Thank "You" for "Your" strenght and new inspiring ideas to complete the task that "You" have set before me. Lord, continue guiding me with "your" light. I ask that "You"' keep me focused on "Your" work and I know "You" will delegate the rest for me. Administrate Justice as I know "You" will. I give "You" all the praise, glory and honor. I love you Lord!!!!! "May "God" have the blessing to "His" word according to "His" purpose. "Amen"