Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Loving your enemies!"

As I study I find that it is only one way and that's Jesus. " Jesus told his disciples, saying it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The disciples ask who can be saved. Jesus replied saying only with God you can be saved.  Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. Roman 8:17-18 states we are heirs of God and Christ and we will share in his suffering and his glory. 2 Timothy 3:12 says "everyone who wants to live Godly in Jesus will be persecuted." 1 peter 2:19-21 says we are called to suffer and endure unjust suffering for God's will because Jesus suffered for us, leaving us with his example to follow. 1 Peter 4:12-13 tells us that it is a joy and a privilege to suffer for Jesus Christ so we will become overjoyed when his glory appears. In other words painful trails will not surprise us but, it should be an excitement to praise God because we are bearing them for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

"I believe for the sake of our children that all churches should focus on suffering and glory together it is important for our little ones. The younger generation is the one that will suffer the real hardships. They deserve to know where to turn." God is the ultimate re-warder of our success, not man. God is love. God loves us, because "He" is love. "He" want our heart because "He"wants what is best for us."His love for us is real, true, faithful, present, personal and our rock. God is not blind he has our future in "His" hands.  Father who art in heaven, thank you for "Your" faithfulness in all my due seasons of life. I trust that my time is coming, and I choose to remain faithful submit my ways to "You" today and trust that "You have the best plan for my life. I love " You" Lord and praise "Your" Holy name today and everyday in Jesus name I Pray Amen!!!!! Up root any and all bad seeds help me by "Your" Spirit to plant good seeds for the future of my children and their children. Use me for "Your" glory.  In Jesus name. Amen,!!!!!

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

"What is impossible with men is possible with God.." Luke 18:27

As I study I find that it is only one way and that's Jesus. " Jesus told his disciples, saying it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The disciples ask who can be saved. Jesus replied saying only with God you can be saved.  Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. Roman 8:17-18 states we are heirs of God and Christ and we will share in his suffering and his glory. 2 Timothy 3:12 says "everyone who wants to live Godly in Jesus will be persecuted." 1 peter 2:19-21 says we are called to suffer and endure unjust suffering for God's will because Jesus suffered for us, leaving us with his example to follow. 1 Peter 4:12-13 tells us that it is a joy and a privilege to suffer for Jesus Christ so we will become overjoyed when his glory appears. In other words painful trails will not surprise us but, it should be an excitement to praise God because we are bearing them for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

"I believe for the sake of our children that all churches should focus on suffering and glory together it is important for our little ones. The younger generation is the one that will suffer the real hardships. They deserve to know where to turn." God is the ultimate re-warder of our success, not man. God is love. God loves us, because "He" is love. "He" want our heart because "He"wants what is best for us."His love for us is real, true, faithful, present, personal and our rock. God is not blind he has our future in "His" hands.  Father who art in heaven, thank you for "Your" faithfulness in all my due seasons of life. I trust that my time is coming, and I choose to remain faithful submit my ways to "You" today and trust that "You have the best plan for my life. I love " You" Lord and praise "Your" Holy name today and everyday in Jesus name I Pray Amen!!!!! Up root any and all bad seeds help me by "Your" Spirit to plant good seeds for the future of my children and their children. Use me for "Your" glory.  In Jesus name. Amen,!!!!!

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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Nothing is too hard for God

Genesis 18:14, states is anything too hard for the Lord? "He made the heavens and the earth by the great power of his outstretched arms, and there is nothing too hard for thee."Jeremiah 32:17; God ask questions that he already  know the answer to. He asks because he wants us to understand and get what he is asking us. Jeremiah32:27 says, behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is nothing to hard for our Father. His word states, if people that are called by my name will humble themselves,"He" is the only one that can help them. The Lord God Almighty will restore our soul. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Great Lord God Almighty "He is mighty in battle. Seek him and you will find him. Knock and the door shall open."Believe" Amen!!!!!!!