Sunday, March 27, 2016

God took it to the Cross!!!!!!!!

Image result for God took it and nailed it to the cross

Colossians 2:14 states; that everything that we have ever done is covered by the blood of Jesus. "He" canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. And that is why? We have the power to blood block our adversaries. By Jesus stripes we are healed. So; today I thank God because I am not like I used to be. I am a new creation in Jesus name the solid rock in which I stand—I thank “God” that no more chains are holding me. Because of Calvary I can hide behind the cross. I am an over comer for God through “His” son Jesus Christ who paid the price for us all—the bible says that old things are passed away behold all things become new (2 Corinthians 5:17) May God be the glory! Amen 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Embracing my "Faith" an not my fears

Image result for embracing my faith

Well on too the next chapter living by faith and not my fears...@ God’s command I will head southeast this time. I’ve learned that no matter where you are in this is not always easy it gets harder by the minute that’s why it’s so important to live by faith. Even the best of us gets derailed at any given times ending up at a dead end. The Question is do we give up? Or do we reproduce a new path? By taking a ninety degree left turn learning from our mistakes doing things in a different manner as my Heavenly Father would will us to do. Then only will we began to see our world through the eyes of faith...doing thing on your own is not the business—pray for “Strength” our “Heavenly Host” knows each one of us by name. Seek “His”—”Love” it will lead us to the affection of others. Please do not forget our Father’s “Purpose” it is so easy to forget the path that “He” has designed for us leading us to our final destination in “His” Kingdom. Walk towards the “Light” of our “Creator” it speaks volume—“He” knows the safest route for us. Remember that “Hope” is our guiding star making our impossible the ultimate possible. Added to us is “Peace” freeing our mind, body and soul to grow in our daily walk with Jesus? And last “Joy” you are back on track so share it with others you will inherit from our King a seventy times seven increase from Heaven. This is how it’s done according to Hebrews 10:38 the just shall live by faith. Jesus lives Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!