Sunday, April 3, 2016

Lord let your blessings rain down on me

Amen..Amen..Amen!.. I believe in the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Please let your blessing rain down on me.  Lord let your blessing continue to come into my life. I know you can do all things because you are so mighty in all that you do. All things are possible with you on my side. God, your word says that we should ask and it will be given to us, we should seek and we will find, we should knock and the door shall be open unto us. So; God, I pray that my money that the adversary is holding will be freed by your mighty power we cancel his assignment and we lose your blessing from heaven to rain down on me. I need your help Father—to get money that is owed to me so that, I can get moved in Jesus precious name. I thank you Lord for your favor and all my financial blessings in this life. I believe and claim that “You” will fix my money issues this week.  I thank you Lord for, all my blessing because they are looking for me wherever l go, l was born to be bless so that l will be a blessing to other. In; you’re Son, Jesus mighty name. Amen…