Wednesday, November 28, 2018


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Yea! Change is messy and war is always wrong. "And it is not a just world we live in but; faith challenges me to look beyond what the eyes can see. Now! What's your end game? Because mine is a spiritual connection with the lamb of God. "This gives me a freedom from oppression...freedom of expression and the hope for a brighter tomorrow." Amen!

The King of this Universe does nothing by halves (Jeremiah 29:11)

Image result for the king of the universe

"There is nobody like you Lord!" Jeremiah 29:11 "says the plans that you have for us is necessary, your plans will not harm us but instead it will prosper us to give us hope and a future." And that what seems evil is designed for good. So just know that our "Father" thoughts are all working towards the expected end, which "He" will give us in due time. So, though it last long, it shall not last always. In this verse: Jeremiah wrote a letter to the captives in Babylon, against their  false prophets cautioning them not to give credit  to those who gave them hope of a speedy release...Jeremiah assures the captives that "God would restore them mercy  to their own land again, at the end of 70 years and spoke of the false shepherds destruction and persecution with one judgement  after another sending them at last into captivity where the belong. Wow! Now that was deep and a faith challenging moment for me. And it makes me think of Abraham Lincoln and his Legacy that he left us. Our sixteen Presidents "once stated with malice towards none with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as 'God' gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nations wounds" these are some very wise words that he left us and we should all live by them.Walking by faith living by grace as we walk into our new found future of hope all of which is "God's" plan for us all.

"What I have learned here is the rule of God's law is a powerful principle that no one is exempt from "His" law, even those who are in a position of power. See; the King of this Universe reigns with an iron fist! And the rule of his law serve as a safe guard, against the tyranny that man has put in action here on earth. But what we must not forget is that God's law can never be corrupted and "He" will never leave no stone unturned. There will be know secrets and the guilty, whoever they are, will be punished. So continue to love the Lord, walking in grace because; the captive will be set free. Forever and always cherish your King because; “He will never be short sided or out pantsed” for he is Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the end and all power is in”His” hands. Amen!