Saturday, February 9, 2019

God's Grace is Worth the risk!

I am more than a conqueror. I have the faith to possess that which God has assigned to me. The Lord shall supply all of my needs according to "His" riches in glory. In the Fullness Of “Your Grace, In The Power Of Your Name, I am lifted up! Thank you Lord!  "Your" Grace is worth the risk! I am in expectation this is the season for my financial breakthrough, vindication and restoration. 2019 will be my year of elevation, multiplication, acceleration, and expansion! Impossible instantaneous miracles will happen for my daughter Phonesia and my Sons Ralph and Joshua and my Grand children today. Effectual Fervent Praying the mind and heart will align itself up with the Father on earth as it is in Heaven as... "He" Wills it. I declare and decree that Jesus Is my portion and my Shepherd, I and my family have no lack, we have more than enough in Jesus name! Thank you Lord that today "You" are going to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I can ask think or imagine in Jesus Name! I receive complete health, wealth, wisdom, favor, elevation are my portion! Fresh oil, fresh anointing, fresh bread, fresh vision, fresh wine, fresh power, fresh freedom, fresh fire, fresh capacity, fresh wind, fresh rain, acceleration, breakthrough, Shift, victory, turnaround, relentless victory, accumulation, permanent progression, Legacy, Enlarged capacity, greater harvests and overflow is our portion! In Jesus name! Amen! No weapon form against my family shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us shall be condemn in the name of Jesus. No limits, no boundaries...I see increase all around me.... I am rooted and grounded!! Planted in rivers of flowing waters! I walk in obedience to the will of God for my life. My cup runneth over and I'm living in the overflow. I am more than a conqueror. I have the faith to possess that what God has assigned to me! The Lord shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory. In The Fullness Of “His Grace, In The Power Of "His" Name, I am lifted up! Thank You Jesus “Your Grace is worth the risk! Our faith is heighten because faith is height currency in Your Kingdom. We are royalty because our Father is the Highest King. God is doing above and beyond what we can ask or imagine in our life. Thank you Lord for opening right doors of blessings.. overflowing abundance"Your" Grace is worth the risk! And I love "You" Lord!