Saturday, April 13, 2019

Respond with action:

God wants us to love one another and live our life to the fullest capacity. Our Father has given us  great gifts new justification, new responsibilities but; it is up to us to receive his gifts before it's too late. It's very sad to be selfish wanting all the eggs in your basket that's greed and it is a sin! Why didn't you help the homeless? Why didn't you help the sick? Why didn't you help the starving man at the corner store? Why didn't you help the person that was living in poverty? Why didn't you help the person with disease? Glory to God! Think about other things other than your own selfish soul. Having faith isn't worth much if you do not believe. Stop quenching the spirit. Satan only has power to the extent that you give him. Nothing but the blood shall set you free. I believe in the death, burial and the Resurrection of God's only Begotten Son! Amen!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Knowing God's will isn't easy!

God!I thank you for the sky the moon, the stars,the birds and the trees. I thank you for my life, for you are Alpha Omega the Beginning and the End. You are the rose of Sharon...the lily of the valley. You are greater than the greatest. You are higher than the highest. Your salvation returns us-to a state of perfection with you Oh Mighty One of Heaven and it gives us Absolution of sin forever. We are god-like in your image!You exist outside of time and we struggle on Earth just to know you Father God. You know all our questions before we even ask that is how powerful you are. Everyone of us has our own journey but there is only one path. Because of free will we all have to make our own choices and we must live by them very same choices. "Your" Will is not easy! When you gave us your son it was truly a game changer for us. You know every human deed, every thought every aspiration. You know all the isolation and pain and the emptiness of life here on Earth. The World is a horrible place... it is so much corruption, hatred and evil one to another. Your faith is a process of time and dedication. I pray that you create in me compassion for all of mankind while; you grant me passage through this terror land. I am above and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am a conqueror through your son Jesus Christ. Help me to see the world from your perspective. Help me seek your face before; I take your hand Lord. With your strength and great certainty I believe and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will! I believe in the death, burial and the resurrection of your son Jesus Christ I love you God the Almighty One of Heaven and Earth! Amen! 🙏