Thursday, February 6, 2014

BSF 2013-2014 Too Blessed to Be Stressed

God you gave your son for me. What an amazing thing to do. Do I appreciate? Yes, I do my love for you is greater than any one could,imagine. Without you I am nothing. I now that the holy spirit is the source  of my wisdom. My pain birth my goals.My goal choose my mentors. My mentors decide my wisdom. My wisdom decides my relationships. My relationships  reveal my self- portrait. My self- portrait determines my attitude. My attitude decides access. My access decides favor. My favor decides reward.

 I know God with your grace and mercy I can do all things Through Christ that strengthens me. No weapon form against me will prosper.The bible states that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have the power to bind and loose. I bind and cancel satan's assignment on my life, my children life ,and I loose the holy spirit to take full control in heaven and here on earth.

I am too Blessed to be Stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I  want to be on jesus's level. He had a mission to complete, nothing got in his way. His last words was father forgive them for they know not what they do. So I know that I am his because, I Grasp who he is.

The message for today is that we need to stop condemning what we do not understand. Build a relationship with Christ and he will show you the way.

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