Friday, December 14, 2018

Where do true Resistance of power reside?

Let me introduce you to the “Head of State none other than the “King of the Universe for those that don’t know who “He” is. This is where the real power resides. "His" leadership frees us from liberal demons. His power protects us from being kidnapped of our rights, justice ,peace and freedom here on earth. Elohim is creator mighty and strong "He"doesn't try to turn you into something you are not. Instead "He" gives you free will and "His" list is endless and “His” grace goes on. The enemies power on the other hand is worthless and a soul smasher. It throws explosive fireballs and thousands of robots at you to distract  you from hitting the dragon hard with the power of prayer. (Psalm 46:10); says: let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God, I will be exalted among the nation! I will be exalted in the earth! This verse: tells me that either; I am going "to sink" or relax. Thats right comfort yourselves in the Lord ceasing from struggling and find that peace of faith that "He" has for you. This such peace comes only as we acknowledge Yahweh-Jireh lordship in our lives and surrender unto "His" will. So;  this verse is more of a wake-up call to be in awe then a gentle call of rest. Amen! 
Our "Everlasting Father" wants us "to let go "or release" meaning come to a place where we are willing  to submit ourselves to "Him" and acknowledge that "He" is in sovereign control over all. I write this message to everyone that is tired of the abuse of power. Who's tried of violence of corruption and the lack of security. It's a message to every single person who has had to maneuver between packs of impunity; which protects few and silence the rest. A message to every single person who is sick and tired of begging for justice. I am writing to you all today for resistance to Heaven of being a victim of the state, organize crime or crime organized by the state and to send a message that Adonai is advocating to take back our power.  Yes! Being still is hard especially when the enemy is steady attacking you! I come to realize in my own life that there will be times of doubt but;  I am here to tell you that you should never let fear stop you and please never let pain destroy you!  And remember no man ! And I mean no man ! Can truly govern your life  only the "Almighty ! " Has the power over the heaven and the be still and no that the Lord is working it all out for you and me. Its time for a radical change from heaven. Why ? Settle for the splinter when you can have the entire tree. With all that said I demand justice from Heaven and all power is in your hand that is what your words say  Lord ! I stand in the gap for those that are to weak to do so. Amen! And I love you Lord!

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