Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Moses past became his future

We all have a past, but God patiently awaits us  just like he did for Moses spending 40 years in the wilderness a foreign land...a lot of time to change and to focus on God's promise, purpose and plan. MOSES had to be molded first to be a leader  to bring the Israelites out of Egypt before God would allow him to deliver his people out of slavery and from the hands of  Pharaoh. My point is God has long-term plans for our life and it will bring benefical for us to the very end. We will face challenges or suffer we must trust in God. We are honored and precious in God's sight; because he loves us--he will protect us redeem us and save us from any trail we may face. See we will have troubles in this world but in God we will have much peace because Jesus has overcome the world. So if we rely on God and not ourselves we can be a great comfort to those in any trouble. God's grace is everlasting to those who believe. I love you Lord!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

A women of strong faith

Moses' mother was indeed a women of strong faith. As I read Exodus I pray in my own life for the same results of such faith. I truely love how God is at work even though we can't see it. I know now that anything is possible with God if we believe. My prayer to my Sovereign God is to be very powerful in action and in my speech while teaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I have suffered a great deal, but what...I have learned is how I respond to suffering is truly what counts. The book of Exodus the life of Moses is one of my favorite stories of the bible. It teaches me that it is a very important risk and job to follow Christ. This story is a great example of obeying God first over any man or their government when we are called to do something against God,s word (Roman 13:1-5)...So I am blessed with Gods goodness because I put him first. I can walk into the light and feel his Son on my face!  May God be the Glory in all that I do and say I love you Lord!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I bring thanks to your presence

LORD what is this place? I often ask myself how did I get here but , I know that you are a God of...many plans. I thank you for being a wonderful counselor, friend, provider and my only protector. I thank you for your grace and mercy,love and compassion,favor and most indeed your love and kindness...and your prefection towards  me and for me.I. praise and thank you for my born again spirit. I thank you for the renewal of my mind. I thank you for helping me to understand  your will and your ways. I  pray for your wisdom in every decision I face in this life. I pray you fill me with your supernatural energy and strenght for the tasks that you have set before me.I know that in you all things are possible!  Lord God you are my Prince of sovereign Lord I bare this cross in your presence. I love you Lord!.....

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Moses the man of the hour

God is indeed ... a wonderful wonderful Counselor, to me ...the last few months have been very challenging. I have learned that when life throws you a curve ball. Just play "GOD'S WORD GAME AND THE WORD WILL SEE YOU THROUGH  EVERY TIME." I am a winner through Christ.. The life of Moses ... I really find it fascinating that God told Moses first to go to his people before he went to pharaoh. That's how God is he starts with his people first and then he works on the rest of the universe. Example, Jesus revealed the Good News to the Jews first then the gentiles. So as I study the book of Exodus I pray that God give me my rod and staff . Because indeed it is a plenty for standing in mercies way. May God be The Glory to all and for all."I love you Lord."