Sunday, September 21, 2014

I bring thanks to your presence

LORD what is this place? I often ask myself how did I get here but , I know that you are a God of...many plans. I thank you for being a wonderful counselor, friend, provider and my only protector. I thank you for your grace and mercy,love and compassion,favor and most indeed your love and kindness...and your prefection towards  me and for me.I. praise and thank you for my born again spirit. I thank you for the renewal of my mind. I thank you for helping me to understand  your will and your ways. I  pray for your wisdom in every decision I face in this life. I pray you fill me with your supernatural energy and strenght for the tasks that you have set before me.I know that in you all things are possible!  Lord God you are my Prince of sovereign Lord I bare this cross in your presence. I love you Lord!.....

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