Monday, September 22, 2014

A women of strong faith

Moses' mother was indeed a women of strong faith. As I read Exodus I pray in my own life for the same results of such faith. I truely love how God is at work even though we can't see it. I know now that anything is possible with God if we believe. My prayer to my Sovereign God is to be very powerful in action and in my speech while teaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that I have suffered a great deal, but what...I have learned is how I respond to suffering is truly what counts. The book of Exodus the life of Moses is one of my favorite stories of the bible. It teaches me that it is a very important risk and job to follow Christ. This story is a great example of obeying God first over any man or their government when we are called to do something against God,s word (Roman 13:1-5)...So I am blessed with Gods goodness because I put him first. I can walk into the light and feel his Son on my face!  May God be the Glory in all that I do and say I love you Lord!

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