Saturday, December 19, 2015

A rich man’s puppet for Jesus!

Image result for a rich man's puppet for jesusLuke 16:19-31

Christmas is a story with a happy ending. "The day Jesus was born." It’s about the love of God in our hearts, family and friends coming together—over flowing in generosity. Christmas is about love the best present of all—if only we learn to open it up...through the eyes of the beholder: and “His” name is Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace. See spreading God’s will is something money cannot buy. Once you come to know our “Father” it’s like a clock radio that stays on forever. I’ve learned in this life that it is harder for people to believe what they have not seen—then it will be for others that truly believe in Christ. I realize one thing and that is hate is all over the world—but what stands out to me is if the world hates you for spreading the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ…Remember that the world hated Jesus first. Just keep walking towards freedom on that rocky road so many others walked before. People are dying all over the world for what they believe in...and at the hands of others. I still shall not live in fear either because that simply isn’t living! The only thing I'm afraid of is "God." What does Christmas mean to me? It means that I am reconnecting and letting my light shine for Jesus. So; to the world if you are going to be a rich man’s puppet try being one for Jesus. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A conflicting war of the old nature and the new nature that lives inside my heart!!!

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(Roman 7: 14-17) states for we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. But if I do the very thing I do not want to do, I agree with the law, confessing that the Law is good. So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. As I study this scripture I find that Apostle Paul, found himself so very far short of perfection. He appears to be carnal: like that of a man who is sold against his will to a much hated master, from whom he cannot set himself free. As a Christian we all unwillingly serves this hated master, but yet cannot shake off the galling chains, until our powerful and gracious Father from above, rescues us. The apostle having cleared the law from the charge of being the cause either of sin or death, and taken the blame to himself, proceeds to give an account of the struggle and combat he found in himself between the flesh and spirit; "that which I do, I allow not. So in other words there are two spirits living inside our bodies the old nature and the new nature. The old saying: “old habits are hard to break”  is very true and as long as we live we are going to have a constant war between the two...and it will not stop until the body goes. So to all believers’ if it’s something that is in your old nature that you can’t control it just...means that you have not gotten the victory yet. Just know that our spiritual nature needs to stay in line with the word of our King. Remember for as long as we live there will be a conflicting war of the old nature and the new nature that lives inside our bodies. Amen

Monday, November 2, 2015

God will make my haters my congratulate-rs!!!!!!!!!!!

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Notice here in (Jeremiah 29 :11) that the scripture states, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. As I study this scripture I find that though false prophets here pretend to know God’s purpose and plan they really know nothing. As I take a further view at the Jews I see they had no “reflection of peace” only evil. This is so sad because they could not appreciate how deliverance would come to them—laughing at God’s threats.“Glory be to God” I then can clearly see that I should give my Father what’s due “Him”—“His” Glory. Man can’t heal man and they most defiantly cannot do the impossible only My Heavenly Host can do all things. I get that man can only do what God allow them to do because at the end of the day all Glory still goes to my Sovereign King. This verse really means everything to me it tells me that I should know my place, my position—and that I should stay in my lane. I learn that God’s defense is my offense and “He” is truly a God of much power and that I must enjoy the fruits of my labor for God indeed alone will make my haters my congratulate-rs. I’ve learned just from this scripture that my obedience to my Heavenly Father’s commandments and "His" word are more important than any sacrifice. Our Father’s words are “His" and we must not change them in any way form or fashion—but “He” will change us in due timing.

For as Psalm 23rd; states Jesus is a Good Shepherd and “He” will lay down his life for “His” sheep. So my question is who then will follow Jesus? I love and thank you for “Your” spirit and truth for the blood that “You shed for me way back on Calvary. So you see no matter what I am going through I can and will always trust my God, because whatever his plans are for me ”He” will give me expected end making my “haters” hate even more, now that’s above reproach. (1 Peter 5: 8) says to always be sober-minded; be watchful. My adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But God restrict future endeavors. So “stay alert.”  God has the right remedy until the next time be “Blessed!” and stay "vigilant." Amen!!!
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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Revelation 3:8!!!! "Open Doors that will never be close saith the Lord!"

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As I read (Revelation 3:7-8); John the Revelator states that…He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens, says this: 'I know your deeds Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept “My” word, and have not denied “My” name...”I find  that when I share with my Heavenly Father everything that I am going through, I get “His” supernatural strength to continue on. In my suffering I have learned to depend on “His” everlasting love for me. I also find that when I praise “Him” in my struggles from my heart it helps to push, back the darkness that I have been walking through bringing me towards "His" light. I have struggled with many issues that have brought me nearer to God. My struggles have been hard and heavy with being a successful mother and father to my children and grand children… successful in writing my book, and in everyday life settings.  In each of these areas, I have acknowledged my weakness and the Lord has been with me to lift me back up again. I have also begun to reach out to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through “His” word and many prayers to “Him” these struggles have help me to be humble and helped me to realize that I can't get through this life on my own. “Never losing my sense of thought... that what doors my Father open for me no man can ever close. Jesus has shown me to rely on “Him” yes,…but to also receive from the body of Christ where “He” has placed gifts to be used during these trying times. It also helps me to learn through “His” grace and mercy that God holds all the cards that has been dealt to me in my life because “He” is my shield and buckler. It helps me to learn that as a human, we all suffer. (James 4:6) says that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble this is where I have been  for the last three years now. (Psalm 27:5-6), states for in the time of trouble “He” shall hide me in “His” pavilion; In the secret place of “His” tabernacle “He” shall hide me; “He” shall set me high upon a rock. And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in “His” tabernacle; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. So you see when God opens doors in our lives don’t try to close it because of the trials, which is sometimes required. No one can close an open door that God has for you so have  strong confidence in the Lord God Almighty. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 If it’s God’s will it will be done, remember “He” always has a plan. Watch out as well for doors that God closes. For where “He” guides, “He” always provides!  Meaning that my God works in mysterious ways “His” wonders to perform, and sometimes we're just swept along by “His” current state- of-the art customary circulating knowledge, so you see even when we don't know exactly where we're going "He" does. So we should follow God’s lead and “His” guidance. Where "He's" providing open doors, “He's” obviously guiding! So don't bother to knock: Just walk right in! Believe “He” is a GOD WHO OPENS DOORS AND THE SAME GOD WHO SHUTS DOORS. Because at the end of the day God wants me to live in assertion and boldness that the door “He” has opened for me cannot be closed by anyone. The bible says that the Lord will step right in when the devil thinks he is winning just keep the faith. So please don’t escape from the path of suffering when the Lord leads us through it. I have learned through my life combats that I should not close a door that the Lord has opened for me. Because the bible says...when Jesus faced the cross, “He” did not run away from it. And as I study further I find that Peter tried to put up a opposition to cut off the right ear of the high priest’s servant. Jesus told Peter to stop it. Jesus was willing to drink the cup which “His” Father had given "Him". “He” did not call the cross as a cup given by the devil or his enemies. “He” called it a cup which “His” Father had given "Him". “He” was willing to follow the path in which “His” Father was leading "Him". “Point made”…and I see that God’s purposes are not always as they seems! I must continue to be faithful to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ because there is nothing to hard for my God. Glory Hallelujah!!!! Our God Is a Mighty God.
(1Corinthians 16:9)  for a wide door for effective work has opened for me, and there are many adversaries. "So What Do I Do?" This verse brings me back to a song by: Lee Ann Womack: she sings; I Hope you dance. Sit back, close your eyes, heed the words...and enjoy! This is a very powerful song and it sums up everything I just wrote. God has blessed me with many open doors. Too the next time...until then may God richly bless you all in a very special way always Amen!!!!

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Monday, September 21, 2015

" A God beyond Question"

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As I study chapter 2 of the book of Daniel. I find that  he was an intelligent young Jew living in Jerusalem during the late 600s B.C and was ascending to power under King Nebuchadnezzar. During this time in history the Most Holy God of Israel, to whom Daniel remained faithful too, gave Daniel the ability to interpret dreams and also presented Daniel with several visions...and their meanings." As I continue to study Daniel. I see, these dreams and visions were prophecies of great empires that would exist from that time forward until the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth! It was soon after Daniel entered into the bureaucracy of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king had a puzzling dreams that awakened him from his sleep (Daniel 2:1). At least one of them was so disturbing that the king called for his advisers to tell him his dream and to interpret it. If they didn’t do so, the king told them that they would be killed (verses 2-5).The king’s wise men—his magicians, astrologers and sorcerers—simply had no idea of the dream or its meaning. They told the King, “It is a difficult thing that the King requests, and there is no other who can tell it to the king except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh” (verse 11). In anger, the King gave the command to begin killing his wise men—including Daniel and his three friends, known by the Babylonian names Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego. Daniel soon learned of the King’s order to kill his confidants, Daniel seeks an opportunity to tell the King his dream and its interpretation. Daniel’s request was allowed; and before meeting with the King, Daniel got together with his friends and they prayed, “Dear God in heaven, please help us. Tell us the King’s dream and what it means.” And God did just that. That night Daniel had a vision, and in it God told him the king’s dream and what it meant. Daniel's first act was to thank God for the revelation given him. "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever," he exclaimed; "for wisdom and might are His: and He changeth the times and the reasons: He removeth Kings, and setteth up Kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him. I thank Thee, and praise Thee, O Thou God of my Fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of Thee: for Thou hast now made known unto us the King's matters. Appearing before King Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel told the king that there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and that He had revealed to Daniel not only the dream, but its interpretation (verse 28). Daniel then explained that the king had seen an awesome image standing before him. This massive image had a head of fine gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet and toes partly of iron and partly of clay (verses 31-33). Then a great stone of supernatural origin—one “cut out without hands” (verse 34)—struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, whereupon the image was broken in pieces and blown away like chaff! The stone became a huge mountain that “filled the whole earth” (verse 35).What did this mean? The Bible interprets itself; and here God, through Daniel, gave the explanation. Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar that the image represented four great kingdoms that would arise in succession to dominate the world. He told the King: “You are this head of gold”—meaning that the Babylonian Empire was the first of these four great empires (verse 38).“But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours; then another, a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron … [and] will break in pieces and crush all the others” (verses 39-40). The last kingdom will “be divided” (verse 41), which is represented by the two legs. This empire, which was predicted to be “strong as iron,” would conquer all before it. Eventually, this empire is predicted to be represented by ten concurrent kingdoms (the ten toes), which will endure only for a short time (iron and clay do not form a strong bond). At that time Christ will return to crush this empire, along with all other nations that fight against Him, and set up the Kingdom of God which shall never be destroyed (Zechariah 14:2-3; Revelation 11:15). The image Nebuchadnezzar saw represented the four great world-ruling empires leading to the time of Jesus Christ's second coming. The stone that crushed the image into little pieces is the future Kingdom of God, over which Jesus Christ will be the King (Revelation 11:15;17:14). It is very interesting to note that Jesus referred to “Himself” as a stone that had been “rejected” by men, becoming “the chief cornerstone” (Matthew 21:42). In the context of the Kingdom of God (verse 43), Jesus added: “And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder” (verse 44). ( As I further study on this point, I compared Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; and Acts 4:10-11). After Daniel revealed the dream and its meaning to King Nebuchadnezzar, the King fell down before Daniel and appointed him as chief Administrator over all the wise men of Babylon.

My point in this story is that you have to go through something to get somewhere…it is a lot going on in this world today. The devil is out to kill steal and destroy the children of God. And it is time for God’s children to start flipping the script on the  damn devil. By putting on that blood stain banner of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bow down to Our God of much power and refuse any other fake Gods that mean nothing. Live the way God wants us to ”He” is a God beyond question; the God of all Gods and the master of all Kings. “He” is a Master that solves all mysteries. I know this because you solved King Nebuchadnezzar dream using Daniel as the interpreter. I realize that our Father from Heaven uses dreams to communicate with his children one in particular is  the fall of Babylon, I like it how God provided  and granted Daniel an overview of worldwide events in millennia in which is yet to come again. So I ask myself this question… Why worship a fake God that have no eyes to see, a heart that cannot love, hands that cannot hold me and feet that cannot walk with me? My Heavenly Father –can do all the above and more. Our true Master from Heaven has a great degree of love for all that will submit to his will and his way. (God) hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness…” Acts 17:31 as I read I find that this world and its thinking is to be destroyed and in its place a wonderful time of peace will be ushered in and God’s Kingdom will be established. (God) has appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness… however the message of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is not one of doom or gloom but one of hope. The Bible holds within its pages an invitation to be part of this future Kingdom. Not to be destroyed with the thinking of men but to be involved in God’s plan and purpose. As I read in Mark: Jesus said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Mark 16:15-16. In conclusion  I find that world history was prophesied before it happened accuracy of the bible historical and prophetical and both prove the divine authorship of the good book called the bible. My Heavenly host will set up a Kingdom in our time and consume the kingdoms of men and it will be ruled by “His” Son Jesus. All this proves is that the hope of a true Christian is for Jesus to return to the literal earth and to establish God’s literal Kingdom upon the territories of the kingdoms of men. The main message here is that: We as believers will be part of this “KINGDOM”
Now That’s a God Beyond Question. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! I praise God in Heaven,  because he is wonderful and wise! “He” has power over everything. “He sets the time of the seasons for a reason. He sends the rain in the spring time, the very hot sun of summer, the cold air in fall, and the white snow in the winter. “He puts Kings on their thrones. Their power comes from “Him”,…and he can take it away whenever he wants “He knows all things It is God who makes us wise. Even the darkest secrets aren’t hidden from “Him because “He” is light. I praise you, the God of my family. You Have made me strong and wise, answering all my prayers. I love you Lord
Image result for who are the ten toes prophecy
 The Western Empire of Rome, between the years A.D 356 and 483, was divided into ten divisions or kingdoms. {1}  the Huns in hungry, A.D.356 {2.} The Ostrogoth's in Mysia 377, {3.}The Visigoths in Pannonia 378, {4.}The Franks  in France 407, {5.} The Vandals in Africa 407, {6} The Sueves and Alans in Gascogne and Spain 407, {7.}The Burgundians in Burgundy 407,{8.} The Heruli and Rugu in Italy 476, {9.}The Saxons and Anglos in Britain 476, {10.} The Lombards in Germany 483.  
Time is near folks read your bible. The Anti- Christ is  already here that means only one thing that Christ  is soon coming! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2015

“You can’t keep secrets on bad deeds forever”

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 Hear in {Luke 8:16} I find as I study "No man lights a lamp and covers it with a vessel or sets it under a bed, but he sets it upon a lamp stand that everyone who enters may see its light. In verse “17” for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, neither hidden that will not be made known and come into the open. Also in verse “18” it tells me to take heed how I hear. Whoever has it, it will be given to him, and whoever does not have it, also that which he thinks he has will be taken from him." Many times in my up bringing I have heard my mother and father say you reap what you sow ‘’ or what’s done in the dark will and shall come to the light. In an essence they both imply the same meaning. Your action/behaviors will eventually be found out. I realize that I must not focus on the works of the evil that man has created here on earth for me…their works has been damaged by treachery, destroyed by evil collaborators out to promote themselves upon my destruction. {Matthew 10:26} states that I must not be afraid of them there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known…{ Matthew 10:27} “ says what I tell you in the dark, speaks in the day light, what is whispered in your ear, proclaims from the roof tops. What both of these scriptures means to me is that nothing is secret that will not be made obvious—meaning whatever was wrapped up in parables and dark saying or was secret and in a exclusive manner, committed to them should be made clear by them to others hereafter: meaning nothing is hid that will not be made known. “You can’t hide the things that you do wrong from anybody and everybody forever!”

Just like the song my children sing at Christmas time. Santa Claus knows when you’ve been naughty, nice... when you are sleeping and or/ creeping. The Almighty God sits high and looks low and nothing is hidden from him. I find that the darkness holds many secrets of our deeds. Nothing and I mean nothing gets past our “Father.” Amen!!! With all that said in my daily walk with my “Father” sent from heaven…I’ve learn to put light above all the darkness that would come my way. “So when I think about light and dark they are not whole without the other.” But the bible tells me to keep mine eyes on the prize of the high calling—God’s grace and mercy shall be sufficient enough for me. God will see me through all my dark days. “I love you Lord!!!!!!” I thank you Lord!—for I know now that every bad deed that the enemy has caused me he shall reap what he has sown in due timing. Remembering a saying that my “dad would always say to us as little children that the owl hoots at night, and the mouse comes out at night in haste to scurry food to store away from the crazy lazy cat purring by the fire.” What this in tells me is that the tree that is planted that has a bad root cannot produce good fruit. My point is that...“Jesus is the true rock of all ages.” Amen!!!!!!! See normal people sleep at night and abnormal people stalk their prey at night. Point made! In “Jesus” name. My “grandmother also; would tell me every night before I went to bed—early to bed, early to rise will keep me wealthy, healthy and wise. In other words the evil comes out at night because they somehow think all is hidden. But oh! What the devil does not know is that the visual eye sees, the ears hear and the mouth cannot be quiet—always feeling the need to tell. If you still have not gotten what I am saying, I will break it down for you so you can understand it a little better...anything that is covered up in dishonesty will eventually be exposed. The truth has to come to the light. So ;“I hope you caught the line and the hook”. Are maybe you are still fishing with no bait. Amen!  

So to make a long story short my grandparents would sing a song by: Muddy Waters "you can run but you cannot hide. What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light." Meaning that the “Truth always wills out.” So; in other words things that are done in secret will eventually become publicly revealed and it will bite you on your back side. Just “Believe!!!” When you cover up issues/ wrong doings or whatever the case may be your “scandals” become known. I know that nothing and I mean nothing is truly secret—especially when you’re doing someone or something “undesirable illegally wrong.” I find in today’s timing that all Christians are a target for all demon forces of this world. 1 John 4:4 proclaims that greater is “He” who is in me than he who is in the world. And it’s the power of the name of Jesus that gives me the strength and capability to cast out demons that they rise no more. “Losing God’s angles too freely flow all over this nation.” I petition my prayer to “Jesus” and in turn my “Father” gives my prayer request to “God” “Himself.” So you see you will not be able to “keep secrets on bad deeds forever” God Thy Father and the Holy Spirit just will not let you. So Lucifer I hate to bust your bubble but...I must leave you exactly where I left you standing in the shadows pulling my strings because "God" is my manager first and far most. "Amen"
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Friday, August 14, 2015

Why be a "666" or χξϛ' when you can be a"777"? A three times perfect whole devine number of The Almighty God.

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I am learning in my daily walk and study in God’s word that…” I must stay in position while the seven headed beast is at his manipulative schemes against the Holy of Holy’s. This beast will blaspheme against all religious organizations trying to oppress God’s children. Any saints that refuse to follow the beast will be disfavored or otherwise subdued. Often meaning metaphorically terminated. In other words the big old seven headed monster wants to fully control God’s domain. As I study Chapter 13 of Revelation. I find that it clearly bring forth the most famous number known to man “666”  which in Greek  meansχξϛ'    

Now this is strange I must say. But before I continue I want to go back to Chapter 12 Apostle John reports that he saw a distinguished red dragon with seven heads ten horns and seven crowns in which was distinctly a sign of Satan…But as I read chapter 13 John sees a further reflection of that same beast.

“The bible says that the dragon stood on the sand by the sea. At this point it was then that it saw a beast coming out of the sea—he had ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on its horns. On each head a blasphemous name…it resembled a leopard but had feet like a bear and a mouth of a lion. At that moment the dragon gave that beast his power his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast had a fatal wound that mysteriously healed. The entire world was in awe and followed that beast. Man worshiped the dragon simply because he gave authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” {Revelation 13:1}. As I study “this good book called the Bible.” I see that I should beware of Satan’s world wide power here on earth. If you don’t know I am going to break it down for you. This Seven headed beast represents the Roman Empire of the first century the contraption of Lucifer himself tried destroying “Jesus” and now I see this same beast arising at a different time of history “right now”…in the flesh. Also, I may add that—“I saw this same beast on August 7, 2015 on I 35 he tried taking my life hitting my car twice sending me into the traffic in a spin on purpose. I saw this evil demon clear as mud no compassion just self hate. Hit and ran and just kept going didn’t care if I lived or died. My Question is “how can you hate what you do not know?’ How can you blaspheme God and “His” children? Slandering—“His” name and his dwelling place claiming “God” like power…when you are no body. “Now I am going to tell you what the beast didn’t know is that he could not take what didn’t belong to him”. I was and still am a child of the Highest God. So the beast attack upon me was already noted from my Heavenly Father. “I will never except your claim and I cast you back to the sea from which you came. Pleading…the blood of Jesus over my life, and my Fathers covenant protection and his angels standing guard against your many attempts to execute me. Please believe me when “I say God knows who you are he does”. The word says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And my daddy means just that!!!! Since you didn’t know I am going to include you in on a little secret. My life is governed by my Heavenly existence and Philippians states that my citizenship is in Heaven.

To make a long story short I tabernacle from heaven. No blind leading the blind. My name is written in the Lambs Book of Life and this “Lamb” was very well slain from the creation of the world. In other words foundation of the whole world…and time is no factor with my Heavenly Host. {Revelation 13:9}; says whoever has ears let them hear and {Revelation 13:10} states that” If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.”  This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people. This is so sad because all over this land people are being taken captive and are being killed for no reason. “So my Daddy from Heaven came down and said to me on I 35 on August 7, 2015 please don’t shed one tear don’t be discourage hang in there and don’t let this slaughter drive you into traffic. Have patients my child your faith in me is strong and mighty let’s turn this car straight. The beast cannot have what is not his. Amen!!!!!! Right then and there God spoke these words to me ‘the law of consequences will never be endlessly evaded. I will not forget this moment it may look like the devil has triumphed, and everything has gone wrong, but my sweet darling child hang in there God thy Father cannot be mocked.” {Galatians 6:7} Then he said just you wait and see my work at hand. A man reaps what he sows. “This is my testimony to the world I am a living witness that the devil is very manipulative, crafty thing isn’t he. He attempts to organize different attitudes and behaviors and from that you will see violence. Any regimentation that turns oppressive and seeks to control every deed, every act, of its citizens it produces a violent reaction. Turn your TV on you will see this in every broadcast known to man. See the big bad seven headed beast will intimidate, deceive you…he only have two weapons to fight with and that’s lying and to be ruthless one or the other he comes in all shapes, forms and sizes—just never know what to expect. My point is this that “God” showed me on August 7, 2015 when Satan becomes violent towards you for no reason wait, and endure much patients. God will work it out just like he did for me on I 35. So In other words God’s rules will never be set aside, Sooner or later Satan’s influential activity will hang himself—just as Judas did—he got caught up in his own web of deceit. So; “I laugh at that fake lamb and I stay in position of my Heavenly Father”. Besides’ Why be a "666"  or χξϛ'when you can be a"777"? A three times perfect whole Divine number of The Almighty God. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
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