Friday, August 14, 2015

Why be a "666" or χξϛ' when you can be a"777"? A three times perfect whole devine number of The Almighty God.

Image result for the seven headed beast with 10 horns

I am learning in my daily walk and study in God’s word that…” I must stay in position while the seven headed beast is at his manipulative schemes against the Holy of Holy’s. This beast will blaspheme against all religious organizations trying to oppress God’s children. Any saints that refuse to follow the beast will be disfavored or otherwise subdued. Often meaning metaphorically terminated. In other words the big old seven headed monster wants to fully control God’s domain. As I study Chapter 13 of Revelation. I find that it clearly bring forth the most famous number known to man “666”  which in Greek  meansχξϛ'    

Now this is strange I must say. But before I continue I want to go back to Chapter 12 Apostle John reports that he saw a distinguished red dragon with seven heads ten horns and seven crowns in which was distinctly a sign of Satan…But as I read chapter 13 John sees a further reflection of that same beast.

“The bible says that the dragon stood on the sand by the sea. At this point it was then that it saw a beast coming out of the sea—he had ten horns and seven heads with ten crowns on its horns. On each head a blasphemous name…it resembled a leopard but had feet like a bear and a mouth of a lion. At that moment the dragon gave that beast his power his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast had a fatal wound that mysteriously healed. The entire world was in awe and followed that beast. Man worshiped the dragon simply because he gave authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” {Revelation 13:1}. As I study “this good book called the Bible.” I see that I should beware of Satan’s world wide power here on earth. If you don’t know I am going to break it down for you. This Seven headed beast represents the Roman Empire of the first century the contraption of Lucifer himself tried destroying “Jesus” and now I see this same beast arising at a different time of history “right now”…in the flesh. Also, I may add that—“I saw this same beast on August 7, 2015 on I 35 he tried taking my life hitting my car twice sending me into the traffic in a spin on purpose. I saw this evil demon clear as mud no compassion just self hate. Hit and ran and just kept going didn’t care if I lived or died. My Question is “how can you hate what you do not know?’ How can you blaspheme God and “His” children? Slandering—“His” name and his dwelling place claiming “God” like power…when you are no body. “Now I am going to tell you what the beast didn’t know is that he could not take what didn’t belong to him”. I was and still am a child of the Highest God. So the beast attack upon me was already noted from my Heavenly Father. “I will never except your claim and I cast you back to the sea from which you came. Pleading…the blood of Jesus over my life, and my Fathers covenant protection and his angels standing guard against your many attempts to execute me. Please believe me when “I say God knows who you are he does”. The word says no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And my daddy means just that!!!! Since you didn’t know I am going to include you in on a little secret. My life is governed by my Heavenly existence and Philippians states that my citizenship is in Heaven.

To make a long story short I tabernacle from heaven. No blind leading the blind. My name is written in the Lambs Book of Life and this “Lamb” was very well slain from the creation of the world. In other words foundation of the whole world…and time is no factor with my Heavenly Host. {Revelation 13:9}; says whoever has ears let them hear and {Revelation 13:10} states that” If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed.”  This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people. This is so sad because all over this land people are being taken captive and are being killed for no reason. “So my Daddy from Heaven came down and said to me on I 35 on August 7, 2015 please don’t shed one tear don’t be discourage hang in there and don’t let this slaughter drive you into traffic. Have patients my child your faith in me is strong and mighty let’s turn this car straight. The beast cannot have what is not his. Amen!!!!!! Right then and there God spoke these words to me ‘the law of consequences will never be endlessly evaded. I will not forget this moment it may look like the devil has triumphed, and everything has gone wrong, but my sweet darling child hang in there God thy Father cannot be mocked.” {Galatians 6:7} Then he said just you wait and see my work at hand. A man reaps what he sows. “This is my testimony to the world I am a living witness that the devil is very manipulative, crafty thing isn’t he. He attempts to organize different attitudes and behaviors and from that you will see violence. Any regimentation that turns oppressive and seeks to control every deed, every act, of its citizens it produces a violent reaction. Turn your TV on you will see this in every broadcast known to man. See the big bad seven headed beast will intimidate, deceive you…he only have two weapons to fight with and that’s lying and to be ruthless one or the other he comes in all shapes, forms and sizes—just never know what to expect. My point is this that “God” showed me on August 7, 2015 when Satan becomes violent towards you for no reason wait, and endure much patients. God will work it out just like he did for me on I 35. So In other words God’s rules will never be set aside, Sooner or later Satan’s influential activity will hang himself—just as Judas did—he got caught up in his own web of deceit. So; “I laugh at that fake lamb and I stay in position of my Heavenly Father”. Besides’ Why be a "666"  or χξϛ'when you can be a"777"? A three times perfect whole Divine number of The Almighty God. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image result for 777 completion in god

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