Thursday, August 27, 2015

“You can’t keep secrets on bad deeds forever”

Image result for what's done in darkness will come to light

 Hear in {Luke 8:16} I find as I study "No man lights a lamp and covers it with a vessel or sets it under a bed, but he sets it upon a lamp stand that everyone who enters may see its light. In verse “17” for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, neither hidden that will not be made known and come into the open. Also in verse “18” it tells me to take heed how I hear. Whoever has it, it will be given to him, and whoever does not have it, also that which he thinks he has will be taken from him." Many times in my up bringing I have heard my mother and father say you reap what you sow ‘’ or what’s done in the dark will and shall come to the light. In an essence they both imply the same meaning. Your action/behaviors will eventually be found out. I realize that I must not focus on the works of the evil that man has created here on earth for me…their works has been damaged by treachery, destroyed by evil collaborators out to promote themselves upon my destruction. {Matthew 10:26} states that I must not be afraid of them there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known…{ Matthew 10:27} “ says what I tell you in the dark, speaks in the day light, what is whispered in your ear, proclaims from the roof tops. What both of these scriptures means to me is that nothing is secret that will not be made obvious—meaning whatever was wrapped up in parables and dark saying or was secret and in a exclusive manner, committed to them should be made clear by them to others hereafter: meaning nothing is hid that will not be made known. “You can’t hide the things that you do wrong from anybody and everybody forever!”

Just like the song my children sing at Christmas time. Santa Claus knows when you’ve been naughty, nice... when you are sleeping and or/ creeping. The Almighty God sits high and looks low and nothing is hidden from him. I find that the darkness holds many secrets of our deeds. Nothing and I mean nothing gets past our “Father.” Amen!!! With all that said in my daily walk with my “Father” sent from heaven…I’ve learn to put light above all the darkness that would come my way. “So when I think about light and dark they are not whole without the other.” But the bible tells me to keep mine eyes on the prize of the high calling—God’s grace and mercy shall be sufficient enough for me. God will see me through all my dark days. “I love you Lord!!!!!!” I thank you Lord!—for I know now that every bad deed that the enemy has caused me he shall reap what he has sown in due timing. Remembering a saying that my “dad would always say to us as little children that the owl hoots at night, and the mouse comes out at night in haste to scurry food to store away from the crazy lazy cat purring by the fire.” What this in tells me is that the tree that is planted that has a bad root cannot produce good fruit. My point is that...“Jesus is the true rock of all ages.” Amen!!!!!!! See normal people sleep at night and abnormal people stalk their prey at night. Point made! In “Jesus” name. My “grandmother also; would tell me every night before I went to bed—early to bed, early to rise will keep me wealthy, healthy and wise. In other words the evil comes out at night because they somehow think all is hidden. But oh! What the devil does not know is that the visual eye sees, the ears hear and the mouth cannot be quiet—always feeling the need to tell. If you still have not gotten what I am saying, I will break it down for you so you can understand it a little better...anything that is covered up in dishonesty will eventually be exposed. The truth has to come to the light. So ;“I hope you caught the line and the hook”. Are maybe you are still fishing with no bait. Amen!  

So to make a long story short my grandparents would sing a song by: Muddy Waters "you can run but you cannot hide. What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light." Meaning that the “Truth always wills out.” So; in other words things that are done in secret will eventually become publicly revealed and it will bite you on your back side. Just “Believe!!!” When you cover up issues/ wrong doings or whatever the case may be your “scandals” become known. I know that nothing and I mean nothing is truly secret—especially when you’re doing someone or something “undesirable illegally wrong.” I find in today’s timing that all Christians are a target for all demon forces of this world. 1 John 4:4 proclaims that greater is “He” who is in me than he who is in the world. And it’s the power of the name of Jesus that gives me the strength and capability to cast out demons that they rise no more. “Losing God’s angles too freely flow all over this nation.” I petition my prayer to “Jesus” and in turn my “Father” gives my prayer request to “God” “Himself.” So you see you will not be able to “keep secrets on bad deeds forever” God Thy Father and the Holy Spirit just will not let you. So Lucifer I hate to bust your bubble but...I must leave you exactly where I left you standing in the shadows pulling my strings because "God" is my manager first and far most. "Amen"
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  1. "Now it's time for 'you' wash the dang dishes."

  2. "Jesus" Please tell "God" to let the truth be known to the world in Jesus Name I pray!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. God gives me the desires of my heart because; I am anchoerd in "Him." It's not me it's the glory and the anointing of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb of "God." Amen!!!!!!!!

  4. I enjoy writing for my "King" I am inspired by the Lord " Himself",Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. Medgar Evers and Fredrick Douglass. My mentors of a brighter tomorrow. He who runs the race wins the prize.(1 Corinthians 9:24) Victory is ever so sweat. Amen!!!!!!!!

  5. In this moment I shall be very careful of what I say as I embrace the truth...for I am the church of God. Giving an outstanding word to all of "His" children all over the world. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. This is my present to myself. Happy birthday for I am the Salvation of the world. Read your bibles folks. Then you will be given the ability to hear and see as well as I. Amen!

  7. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers so quickly.I Thank you in Jesus name.Amen! !!!!
