Friday, June 12, 2015

'While waiting on your Boaz lay down pride and not your dignity'

Image result for ruth in the bible

The book of Ruth is a wonderful role model of friendship, loyalty and commitment to God and to all sistas all over this universe. Even though this is not our home and we are just passing through heaven bound. While here be a good mentor to each other. Be a good sista on the move for Christ. The Book of Ruth states that she laid down pride and not her dignity while waiting on her "Boaz." She remain loyal to Naomi... and stayed faithful to God. This is the kind of love, and faithfulness that God desires for us all. Obedience is the key factor here. What I have learned here is that Ruth had an open mind and a teachable spirit...with a lot of love in her for her mother-in-law and God and she was rewarded for believing that our Father exists."Praising God in all that I do." Amen!

Image result for ruth in the bible

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