Saturday, June 20, 2015

My Guardian-Redeemer

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As I study the book of Ruth. I find that Ruth is an excellent example of a virtuous woman. And very devoted to her family...and she faithfully dependent upon God thy Father. ( Proverbs 31:30) states that her speech is Godly. Every word is loving, kind and very Naomi and Boaz. As I read I see that she speaks with so much wisdom. Indeed she is a role model for me and the future women to come. After reading the Book of Ruth. I realize that I have been granted safe pasture and the "Lord God Almighty has been my Guardian- Redeemer even before I was born. Having a plan for my life. My "Guardian has been with me live and in color...I just didn't see that until now and It took 40 years.

Naomi states in (Ruth 1:20-21) "to call her Mara because the Almighty has made my life very bitter...I went away full but the Lord has brought me back empty." At this point; I began to think on all the times I was full with blessings from my Father. I realize that I took him for granted... that I would be always full never coming up empty. Sometimes in our lives we will go through twists and turns just to bring us right back where we belong. I am a firm believer that all things work together for the good of those that believe. I know that God has my back no matter what the circumstances are. (Isaiah 54:17) says no weapon. Formed against thee shall prevail. I have learned that what I focus on is what I capture...and that I must be willing to adjust my focus. Ruth's Godly character took her very far in life...because she adjusted her focus to God's plan and only his plan and she was rewarded favour for doing so. Amen!!!

Image result for guardian-redeemer

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