Sunday, January 17, 2016

God knows the right strategies to fight your battle

2 Chronicles 7:14 states if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from “Heaven” and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. I’ve learned here in this scripture that even though war is a part of humanity of all ages—we all should know behind the many fields of battle there is someone looking at what the enemy is doing…developing a plan of strategies and many resources to win the war. John 10:10, states; that the thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy. By reading “God’s word I see that through my many battles—“my battle plan is prayer.” Therefore the life my Sovereign King gave me should never be taken for granted. And if I want to win the war that I must fight with the right weapons “His” word. I shall plead my petition with the Lord and move out of the way so that “He” can do “His” job. So tonight I am praying for every area of my life with the right weapons. My battle plan is the word for my “God” is faithful, powerful and in charge “He is a heavy lifter and I trust, and stand on “His” Grace for he is my sword.

My God is mighty and merciful and “He” has raised me up to be a warrior that will not be compromised when under pressure. He is my Defense Attorney. In light of all these wrongs does God still love the people that have be wronged me? The answer is yes simply because Jesus shed his blood on the cross for all of us. So therefore I must forgive them let “God” have my heart and my battle is won. The word says no one is righteous for we all have sin and fell short of the “Glory of God.” And Salvation is due to anyone that turns to Jesus. So I forgive all who has plotted planned and schemed against me in “Jesus Name.” I Pray that Jesus continue to govern my heart. I surrender my rights to you “Lord” for you know the right strategies to fight all my battles. James 4:7 states submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. “I pray that all my co-workers be exposed as they continue to walk in deceit against me. I blood block the devils deception for my life and my families. I snatch back my joy, my peace and…I turn my focus back to you for my heart is under new management. And I am casting satan back to hell in “Jesus name.”  Amen!


  1. A victorious winner through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    1. BECAUSE.......MY VICTORY....DID NOT......COME BY ACCIDENT........................................ AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................
