Sunday, January 10, 2016

"The power of prayer is real"

Image result for the power of prayer

The power of prayer is real, and it protects me always from the works of the devil but tonight Its not about me. I'm praying for all of you. God doesn't throw protection around like that for no reason. He does it because he's not finished with us. If there's anything you read out of what I'm saying right here it's this: I want everyone to know the love and the power of God. He has a purpose...and it's so clear that NOTHING...not even a car wreck like the one I had on August 7, 2015 will cause his plans for you to change. We are put on this earth for a reason and the reason is to help others know “Him.” We are made to show and share “His” love. And if it takes a wreck like I had for me to get to do that then I would do it all over again. I'm praying that everyone who reads this can get a glimpse of Gods faithfulness to his children.

“He” is very powerful and working in our behalf always to the very end. And the plans "He" has for YOU and your life aren't going anywhere. Good or bad, what you want or what you don't's God's doing. It's his plans unfolding. It's "His" kingdom coming. Embrace the struggles and the joys of this life! Without a doubt it's a miracle I’m alive, but more than that it's simply Gods plan for me. I’m so grateful for this wreck and all it will do in my life. I am blessed to be alive. And so in love with the amazing God I serve. "So, I am taking charge of my destiny, with the whole armor of God."  I found love in Christ and I am never going to let go. So don’t hate. For I am staying grounded in "His" word. Sometimes, just because you can’t see things happening doesn’t mean that it isn't happening. "As silly as it may sound to those that does not believe." I prefer a life time of peace and love with "The King." Amen!!!!!!!

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