Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Federalist Party!

For AmeriKKKa tne great to deprive tneir own territory food, shelter, lights and clean clothes. Recruits a lack of intelligence on great old AmeriKKKa"s. Round up all of your Federalist group you know Manafort, Banon, Cruz
hell all  of your shoe bang to lend a helping hand to our neighbor Puerto Rico. Why? Would anyone want to create a zone of death and conflict unless this was designed to "generate" refugee's in the name of "pacification." Forcing many into refugee camps. Filthy urban slums short of water and shelther. People already fear loosing nationalism. Am I striking some nerves? Good show some love today. You can always pick up where you left off at tommorrow. Oh yeah! Federalist  Plan! I know you hate me. But to know me is too love me. Represent AmeriKKKa! The law was made to evolve not stick! Jesus really do rock! He knows!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Injustice is a threat everywhere!

Facebook block me for 24 hrs for reposting very fine people /"Son of a preacher man. After I marinated on this block. I realize that our Head  of state should watch  what he says; because his racism affects everyone the Head should mirror the US with some code of ethics in stead of division. Just like Martin Luther  King once stated injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Now I kneel for injustice everywhere. And I want to thank fb you may have blocked the post. The 1 amendment freedom of speech speaks volume. Thank you. Cause God isn't sleep!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Red fraud/ red cross

Redcross is Red fraud for real. Denied many people in G Town $400 less tnan 24 hrs.This County is 1 of the 39 counties declared a disaster zone. Now! How? About that!

Monday, September 4, 2017


Strange signs in the sun, moon, stars, and earth please be mindful of that. Many nations will be in great turmoil. So many people will be very, very perplexed by the roaring of the seas and stange tides.  The seas will roar with waves. Judgement is coming! And it is render your right time. Now! If you do not have a relationship with  your Father get one. I would  strongly advise. For every slave that was thrown over broad "He" is angered with many more reason then the sea being full of our ancestors "bodies"-' remember. I told you that. Too Good be the glory! Amen

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Blood of "His" blood and Flesh of "His" flesh!

Man made storms well how about dat! WELL GUESS WHAT! WHAT? THE DEVIL MEANT FOR EVIL. GOD USES FOR our GOOD. (GENESIS 50:20 ). So; I am gonna break all of this down for you all! "Blood of "His" blood and flesh  of "His" flesh means-we have eternal life-says here in (John 6:54.). So; I drink "His" blood and eat "His" flesh. For I feed on " Him" and...I will live because of "Him." Amen! Happy Communion  Day Saints.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Irma at a Catorgy 5,through10 is a very Catastrophic Tsunami

This story should only be viewed by Adults. God is so angered by human rebellion at a time such is this. Back in Noah' s day my Father floods damn near the entire earth, wiping out nearly! Nearly! Everything in a fit of divine rage. This story is a about a God that everyone should fear but don't. He is what some may say "crazy" and do not exist but; how? I love him most. Why? do I love "Him" my precious King! I am very glad to let you know. My Sovereign King is a God of much power and wrath and is willing to strike down all sinners. So for all you guys that think that he doesnt exists. A rude awakening for you----my daddy has hung up his "bow." He has long past put up the option of destruction  and seeking us as his own. Ladies and Gentlemen it is render your right time now.! And if some of you do not know what that statement mean. This little chocolate drop gonna tell you----The human relationship with " God!"  Because "He" never said "He wouldn't cover the entire earth with a flood and cut off all flesh. (Genesis 9:9-15) What my daddy stated was this----in the last days it will look like the days of Noah! A re-creation of God and earth. So to make a long story short. A Catorgy 5-10 is a Catastrophic Tsunami here on Earth. NOW I am worthy to say! My Sovereign King is sitting high on " His" Throne....Amen