Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Federalist Party!

For AmeriKKKa tne great to deprive tneir own territory food, shelter, lights and clean clothes. Recruits a lack of intelligence on great old AmeriKKKa"s. Round up all of your Federalist group you know Manafort, Banon, Cruz
hell all  of your shoe bang to lend a helping hand to our neighbor Puerto Rico. Why? Would anyone want to create a zone of death and conflict unless this was designed to "generate" refugee's in the name of "pacification." Forcing many into refugee camps. Filthy urban slums short of water and shelther. People already fear loosing nationalism. Am I striking some nerves? Good show some love today. You can always pick up where you left off at tommorrow. Oh yeah! Federalist  Plan! I know you hate me. But to know me is too love me. Represent AmeriKKKa! The law was made to evolve not stick! Jesus really do rock! He knows!

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