Saturday, January 31, 2015

We are sons and daughters of the " King"...human beings that have been "redeemed."

1 Corinthians 7:23, states that we were bought at a price; we should not become slaves of human beings. With that said, we should focus on Chirst and not what we are to men...and the world. We should want to grow in the Lord and have a solid foundation to prepare us for the "King." Just knowing that Gods amazing grace is so wonderful...the blood of Chirst...broke every chain giving me a chance to live free from sin is enough for me. I dwell in the shelter of the Most High "God."  No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I will trust in the Lord...I worship "You" in the beauty of "Your" Holy name. For "You" are indeed the..." Great I am." "Your" Glory reigns forever. I totally rely on"You" God...for my provision period.

God, "You" prepared the Israelites for what they would face ahead of them...enemies and what they had to do once they entered the Promised Land and that was to worship "You" only. I am learning in my day today walk with "You" it is very important for me to take inventory of myself to see just where I my walk with "You." As  I grow... I am making many plans to grow well in "Your"Grace. I realize just as "You" prepared the Hebrews for what was to come "You" will do the same for me. I know that I have a role to play in "Your" plan. My role in "Your" plan depends on how others... that surround me play their role for "You" as well. I ask that "You" order my steps in "Your" word in leading others to "Your" Throne of Grace and Mercy. For we are indeed sons and daughters of the"King"...human beings that have been "redeemed"... for the Glory of God. I Love "You" Lord!!!! Amen!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Be still and know that I am the Lord God Almighty.

When the enemy show his face, the Lord God Almighty show up and show out. I pray that all my enemies be cast unto the sea that they rise no more. Psalms 5:8-9 says lead me Lord, in your righteousness; because of my enemies make your way straight before me. Not a word from their mouth can be trusted their heart is filled with malice. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongues they tell lies. I pray for brokenness of sin ,compromise, bitterness, jealousy...that you use me as a  beacon of light drawing all unto "You."  Exodus 14:15-19 states that "You" asked Moses, "Why are you crying out to me?  Tell  the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hands over the sea to divide the water so...that the Isralites can go through the sea on dry ground. "You" harden the hearts of the Egytians and they went in after the Hebrews. Lord God, "You" gain Glory right then and there. "Your" word says be still and know that I am the Lord God Almighty...all power is with you. I pray that "You" bring all sinners to the Cross as " You" did for me. Psalms 37; says fret not to those that do wrong they are evil and soon they will wither like grass. Like green plants they soon shall die. I trust you Lord therefore "Your" word says...I will have safe pasture. Micah 7:8; states do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my guiding light.

Reset my spritual GPS to the Holy Spirt and let it navigate me unto "You" Lord. "You" choose to love us first a devoted love that we will never fathom. That supernatural love,  that agape love, eternal love...that comes from the heart. Psalms 85:8 states "You" will speak peace unto your faithful sevants. I stand firm in the battle. As "You" stated Lord in Ephesians 5 " Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Be wise for these days are evil. Jesus "You" have always been my rock. I will trust "You" to the end of times. Forever " Your" Grace is sufficient!!!! I love "You" Lord!!!! I will bear "Your" wrath until "You" plead my case and up hold my cause
" You"  will bring me into the light; and I will see "Your righteousness Micah 7:9. May God have the blessing to the reading of his word.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Let God order your every step; there's so much peace in"Him".

 I find that when we line up with the word of "God" which in my words means get our life in order...which means be in service to our "King" let  "Him" connect with us. If we put on the spirtual armor of "God", "He" will put us on the path to "His" peace and joy. The Grand Architect of this Unverse calls us. "He" communicate through "His" word, and others that encircles us. "He" uses circumstances to get our attention. When our Father calls we do have free-will to obey or disregard "Him" but; if we reject "Him" we will never get to the foot of the Cross. So, therefore; how can we repent and accept the sacrifice that Jesus made to perfectly cover our sins for all eternity. God's love is so amazing and his warfare for us speaks volume to us and for us. We pray for God spirit to gain entree unto us but; in fact I fine that the more...I study and hangout with the ruler of this unverse, I find that when we don't read we can not see or hear therefore we cannot heed to "His" calling.  If you want to receive the "Glory" of the Lord find the time to read the words of our Father,and you will be able to see beyond what the visual eye can see. Ain't "He" alright!!!

In my daily walk with Chirst the solid rock of my salvation...I see that we are set apart a Holy Nation. We are washed by the cleansing work of Jesus on the Cross believe and receive that we are clothed in righteousness of Jesus through God's sovereign faith and love. We are anointed with the Holy Spirit to walk in Jesus. We all are human but if we cleanse ourselves daily the Lord will be with us always. That's why I sing my favorite song everyday. " Holy,  Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty....Worthy to receive Glory! Worthy to receive Honor! Lift "Him" up! Praise "Him" and lift! "Him" up! exalt "His" name forever!" This song gets me through the day; I let God order my steps there's so much peace in him. May God have the Blessings of the sharing of "His" word. I love you Lord!!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

"God's amazing Grace shower down Blessings"

"Lord God, "You" told Moses to write on a scroll, as something to be remembered and to make sure Joshua hear it; because "You" would competely blot out the name of the Amalek from under heaven. I ask you Father, to bless my family and to give them a loving heart and for us to live in unity with one another. I ask "You" to bless me with the faith to endure all my present endeavers that you have bestowed upon me. Lord, you know my present situation and I know that "You" will not put no more on me then I can bear. " You" are the Grand Architect of this Universe and all power is in "Your", hands. I thank "You", in advance for all "Your" Blessings that "You" have bestowed on me. " I love "You Lord" and I ask  that "You" Bless me as "You" Blessed the Israelites. Part the Red Sea for me as"You"did for them.

Out of "Your" Amazing love and care for your children,"You" delivered them unto"You". I give you all the Honor and praise. I see that "Your" will for me is to stay Holy. Continue to extend " Your" Mercy unto me that I may obey "You" fully. Help me in sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom with others all over this world. "You" brought Egypt out of the land of slavery. " You" are the "Great I am" and I adore " You" Lord. Because, of "Your" Great Love "You" sent "Your" only begotten Son Jesus to die on our behalf. Through faith in Jesus Christ we have been allowed access unto "Your" Grace to have much peace with "You" , "God"!!! I am redeemed from all my sins and Transgressions by "Your" Son's Precious Blood. Hallelujah!!! Praise "God" out with the old and in with the new, I am a born again child of the "King".

As I grow in "Your"Grace, I have learned that "You" are to be Honored and Worshipped and that Jesus is with me always to the very end of age Matthew 28:20. That means when I Praise "You" blessings comes down. Ezekiel 34:26 says; I will make them and the area around my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in there season; showers of blessings. This is my season to be blessed, I name and claims my blessing right now in Jesus name for "You" are so amazing and I stand for "You" because; with out "You" I am nothing. Many times satan has tried to drive me from the cross but; I have realized that tempation is sin and that it is not in the bate its in the bite. Satan is the master of lies its his job to try and keep me from the Cross but, if I stay focused on "You" "Your" Holy Spirit; will keep me at the Cross. I put my faith in "You" for "Your" words are a lamp unto my feet. A light unto my path in which; I shall take." Jesus is my Passover Lamb." So I ask "You God", to show me any areas of my life that does not conform to "Your" plans that "You" would have for me.

I ask that "You" help me decern the difference between pleasing "You" and pleasing others. Order my steps in "Your" word Lord for "You" are my light in this world. So, I know "You" will not leave me to stumble around in the dark  John 8:12. I have great appreciation just knowing how loving my God is to send his Son for me so that I could live in a world cleansed by Christ. Father God "You" are Good, whole, complete, "You" lack for nothing and "You" want for nothing. So, I ask in "Your" Son Jesus name to make me whole."You" paid the full price for all; a full atonement for our sin. Thankfully,"Your Grace is sufficient!!!!!!!! Amen.