Saturday, January 31, 2015

We are sons and daughters of the " King"...human beings that have been "redeemed."

1 Corinthians 7:23, states that we were bought at a price; we should not become slaves of human beings. With that said, we should focus on Chirst and not what we are to men...and the world. We should want to grow in the Lord and have a solid foundation to prepare us for the "King." Just knowing that Gods amazing grace is so wonderful...the blood of Chirst...broke every chain giving me a chance to live free from sin is enough for me. I dwell in the shelter of the Most High "God."  No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I will trust in the Lord...I worship "You" in the beauty of "Your" Holy name. For "You" are indeed the..." Great I am." "Your" Glory reigns forever. I totally rely on"You" God...for my provision period.

God, "You" prepared the Israelites for what they would face ahead of them...enemies and what they had to do once they entered the Promised Land and that was to worship "You" only. I am learning in my day today walk with "You" it is very important for me to take inventory of myself to see just where I my walk with "You." As  I grow... I am making many plans to grow well in "Your"Grace. I realize just as "You" prepared the Hebrews for what was to come "You" will do the same for me. I know that I have a role to play in "Your" plan. My role in "Your" plan depends on how others... that surround me play their role for "You" as well. I ask that "You" order my steps in "Your" word in leading others to "Your" Throne of Grace and Mercy. For we are indeed sons and daughters of the"King"...human beings that have been "redeemed"... for the Glory of God. I Love "You" Lord!!!! Amen!!!!

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