Saturday, January 17, 2015

Let God order your every step; there's so much peace in"Him".

 I find that when we line up with the word of "God" which in my words means get our life in order...which means be in service to our "King" let  "Him" connect with us. If we put on the spirtual armor of "God", "He" will put us on the path to "His" peace and joy. The Grand Architect of this Unverse calls us. "He" communicate through "His" word, and others that encircles us. "He" uses circumstances to get our attention. When our Father calls we do have free-will to obey or disregard "Him" but; if we reject "Him" we will never get to the foot of the Cross. So, therefore; how can we repent and accept the sacrifice that Jesus made to perfectly cover our sins for all eternity. God's love is so amazing and his warfare for us speaks volume to us and for us. We pray for God spirit to gain entree unto us but; in fact I fine that the more...I study and hangout with the ruler of this unverse, I find that when we don't read we can not see or hear therefore we cannot heed to "His" calling.  If you want to receive the "Glory" of the Lord find the time to read the words of our Father,and you will be able to see beyond what the visual eye can see. Ain't "He" alright!!!

In my daily walk with Chirst the solid rock of my salvation...I see that we are set apart a Holy Nation. We are washed by the cleansing work of Jesus on the Cross believe and receive that we are clothed in righteousness of Jesus through God's sovereign faith and love. We are anointed with the Holy Spirit to walk in Jesus. We all are human but if we cleanse ourselves daily the Lord will be with us always. That's why I sing my favorite song everyday. " Holy,  Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty....Worthy to receive Glory! Worthy to receive Honor! Lift "Him" up! Praise "Him" and lift! "Him" up! exalt "His" name forever!" This song gets me through the day; I let God order my steps there's so much peace in him. May God have the Blessings of the sharing of "His" word. I love you Lord!!!!!

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