Saturday, March 28, 2015

I can do all this through "Him" who gives me strenght

I have learned to be content, to bring my mind to my condition, and make the best of it. The enemy can no longer use what offended me...because I checked my self  so my enemies can go back to hell where they belong. I defend my territory with the word. Philippian 4:13; confirms for I can do all things through Chirst that strenghtens me. I pray for patient submission, hope, a heavenly mind and to not lose my confront in the great comfort in my Father. Through "JESUS" I  have grace to do what is good, and through thy father I except "His" reward; and I will have all things by "Him" , and I will do all things for my Heavenly Host, and "His glory. I pray for " Your" universal power and strenght as....I stand in the gap and against scheming, conniving, mean-spirited, unjust and corrupt people let "Your" will be done for they are greedy for power...but "You" are of peace and a sound mine. Put "Your hedge of protection around me as I run "Your" race...I stand in " Jesus" name. Amen

Saturday, March 21, 2015

If God is for us, who can be against us?

God, thy father rewards those that diligently seek "Him"... ( John 12:43); confirms that we should not be concern about people that do not like us. Now, therefore, do what you do and do it well for God, our creator. ( Roman 8:31); says... we are more than conquerors. Our God is greater, stronger, and higher then any other God...and there is no one like " Him."  Our God, is a healer, and "He" is awesome in power. If God is for us, who can be against us? That means no one can ever stop us...nothing will stand against us with God by our side. Our God, is...a deliver. " He" is...Holy, Mighty and a great  provider...and a light in darkness. Hallelujah!!! Praise ye the Lord! "Who was, and is, and is to come." May God have the blessing of the sharing of "His" word. Faith will move a mountain right on out of  your way. "Angles are encamped all around me,... I am covered." You better believe. Cause Jesus Got me! Amen!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mastering your craft

Proverbs 22:29; says,...Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings. "In God's army he breeds excellence and success not excuses." I pray for God's pillar as I stand for what I believe in." For "You" God, are the Pillar that holds my life. Now,Therefore, with you by my side. I can master any craft. I love you Lord!!! Amen!!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

El Shaddai/ I thought you'd like to know

Candi Staton,...sing moma/ I thought you'd like to know a song that I hold close to my heart. But;"El Shaddai", so good too me. I won't to tribute this prayer to you. I thought you'd like to know that on this day...I thank you for keeping me safe from all harm and danger. I thought you'd like to know that I love you so. "Yahweh",..please forgive me for breaking " Your" heart so many times before. Every tear "Your" son shedded for me on the cross...saved my soul and drew me closer unto thee. I thought you'd like to know that "Your" Grace and Mercy I found. I thought you'd like to know that your angles love me so. "Elohim",..keep protecting, guiding me and saving me through the day. I thought you'd like to know that I am so greatful that you've restored my soul and set me free...I abid in the comfort of the most high God. I just won't to thank you "Adonai",..for bring me to the cross where "Your" son suffered and died for me. I thought you'd like to know that...I love you Johovah- Jireh each and  every  minute of everyday. Amen!!!!!!