Saturday, March 21, 2015

If God is for us, who can be against us?

God, thy father rewards those that diligently seek "Him"... ( John 12:43); confirms that we should not be concern about people that do not like us. Now, therefore, do what you do and do it well for God, our creator. ( Roman 8:31); says... we are more than conquerors. Our God is greater, stronger, and higher then any other God...and there is no one like " Him."  Our God, is a healer, and "He" is awesome in power. If God is for us, who can be against us? That means no one can ever stop us...nothing will stand against us with God by our side. Our God, is...a deliver. " He" is...Holy, Mighty and a great  provider...and a light in darkness. Hallelujah!!! Praise ye the Lord! "Who was, and is, and is to come." May God have the blessing of the sharing of "His" word. Faith will move a mountain right on out of  your way. "Angles are encamped all around me,... I am covered." You better believe. Cause Jesus Got me! Amen!!!!!!!!


  1. I will pray for you, and you pray for me,...and watch God change things. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I see us walking in favor and prosperity too, I see us in the future. God will see us through. Ask God to open up the eyes of your understanding and...."He" will do it for you. Amen!!!!!!!!!

  3. Something about the name Jesus "He" is sweeter than honey the greatest name...I will ever know.
