Saturday, March 7, 2015

El Shaddai/ I thought you'd like to know

Candi Staton,...sing moma/ I thought you'd like to know a song that I hold close to my heart. But;"El Shaddai", so good too me. I won't to tribute this prayer to you. I thought you'd like to know that on this day...I thank you for keeping me safe from all harm and danger. I thought you'd like to know that I love you so. "Yahweh",..please forgive me for breaking " Your" heart so many times before. Every tear "Your" son shedded for me on the cross...saved my soul and drew me closer unto thee. I thought you'd like to know that "Your" Grace and Mercy I found. I thought you'd like to know that your angles love me so. "Elohim",..keep protecting, guiding me and saving me through the day. I thought you'd like to know that I am so greatful that you've restored my soul and set me free...I abid in the comfort of the most high God. I just won't to thank you "Adonai",..for bring me to the cross where "Your" son suffered and died for me. I thought you'd like to know that...I love you Johovah- Jireh each and  every  minute of everyday. Amen!!!!!!

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