Saturday, March 28, 2015

I can do all this through "Him" who gives me strenght

I have learned to be content, to bring my mind to my condition, and make the best of it. The enemy can no longer use what offended me...because I checked my self  so my enemies can go back to hell where they belong. I defend my territory with the word. Philippian 4:13; confirms for I can do all things through Chirst that strenghtens me. I pray for patient submission, hope, a heavenly mind and to not lose my confront in the great comfort in my Father. Through "JESUS" I  have grace to do what is good, and through thy father I except "His" reward; and I will have all things by "Him" , and I will do all things for my Heavenly Host, and "His glory. I pray for " Your" universal power and strenght as....I stand in the gap and against scheming, conniving, mean-spirited, unjust and corrupt people let "Your" will be done for they are greedy for power...but "You" are of peace and a sound mine. Put "Your hedge of protection around me as I run "Your" race...I stand in " Jesus" name. Amen


  1. He who runs the race wins the prize. Quitters never win, winners never quit. Are you a runner and winner for Chirst?

  2. Trusting in the name of Lord. Diligently seeking you through the good and the bad. I am blessed with favor and life over my family, children, job, and my finances. Hebrew 11:1 faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see. God is calling me to triumph,...that makes me a winner. I am victorious! Believe!

  3. Fighting the good fight of faith! Amen
