Saturday, May 16, 2015

Conquering all things through Christ my solid Rock

What I have learned in my study of Moses that God desires my faith in “Him” and obedience. Later, on it changed to faith In God’s son, Jesus. I learned that Moses was truly amazing he was closest to God that one could be. For forty years he did so many amazing things for his people. I can truly say he had a heart for our Father. He stumbled and paid the ultimate price like we all have. But his life was remarkable and amazing. I learned that that I am not founded on knowledge or good deeds—but the merits of a good attitude of obedience to my Father and that God’s grace and judgment is not to be questioned. I have been convicted, humbled encouraged and strengthen through God’s word—and “He desires me to be Holy. I have struggled with being obedient looking to the left and the right just as Moses did. I have failed short of the Glory of my sovereign King…and he has often told me that his grace is everlasting and that the more I stay in the word the stronger my daily walk will be in “Him. With God by my side I can surpass any and all things conquering all things through Christ my Solid Rock.

I learned over the years of reading, studying and praying that if I position myself to being obedient and on my knees praying to my Father in Heaven for myself, family and my surroundings that God’s faithfulness will surround me as well. Like Moses God was faithful to him—even before, he was born into a sinful world. Moses lived for forty years before God called him and as I study his life I find Forty was his number. Forty years in Pharaohs house, Forty years as a shepherd and a husband and father in Midian and Forty years as prophet and leader of his people the Hebrews. With that said I learn not to fight being obedient—that as long as I stay in God’s word I will be blessed and highly favored and that true greatness comes by serving the Lord God Almighty not by my human strength.
Dear Lord, I pray that I encounter you each and every day. I pray this same encounter for my family, friends, church, workplace and my neighborhood. I ask that “You continue to fill me with the spirit of “Your wisdom. I pray that I continue to be obedient to “Your” will and “Your” way Lord. I realize and accept that “You” are in control and that I am not. I enter “Your” Holy Place with thanksgiving in my heart… as Moses did at the burning bush he heard “ Your” call and said “here I am Lord” signed sealed delivered, I am yours. God “You” are my shield, my helper and my sword. And I am “Your” Possession, and Portion. “You” are thy King. “You” are Holy and there is no one like " You." Amen! I love you Lord!

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