Monday, May 18, 2015

God will answer your prayers

Ask and you will receive. Knock and the door will open for you. I recently ask "God" for a shiny white horse...and "He" gave me a shiny white ram. Matthew 7:7, says just ask and it will be given to you..."He" answered my call. "Believe" Isaiah 65:24; states " before you call I will answer, while you are still speaking, I will hear." I was on the phone talking to a friend and "God" took over my line to let a written message through and it was my white shiny ram ain't "God" good. This proves to me that "God" works in his timing not mine. I could do nothing but "laugh!", because my "God" is very humorous with so much amusement. Very clever! "Father God"... that was indeed comical. I love you Lord! I just had to share my blessing. "I am so happy because there is many more to come. Lord that was truly some amazing powerful "love" that is so everlasting...and it is here to stay. I thank "You" for all thy blessing. I name and claim each one in Jesus name! AMEN.


  1. My fairytale is no longer imaginative. It's a fact of existence. All because I dreamed, believed, and God allowed me to receive.

  2. I shout!!!!!! Amen!!!!!! Thank You Lord!!!!!
