Sunday, July 26, 2015

The House of “God” Is In my Soul

Image result for The house of “God” Is In my Soul

For the bible tells me that my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost…I go to the house of “God on a daily basis…to pour out my soul that’s my protection under my God’s throne of Grace and Mercy. (Psalms 84:4) says blessed are those who dwell in your house they are ever praising “You” with joy and thanksgiving in their hearts. (Psalms 42:4) states that I am protected by the mighty one with shouts of joy and praise among “Your” festive throne. As I study “Your” word Lord. I find that “You” are my anchor and with “You” in me…I can ride out any storm. I exprobate my own heart as I commune with “You” daily Oh Most anointed One. I catch hold unto “Your” promise and power, because…I realize that you are the head and not the tail. I have great cause to mourn for all sinners and— their rebellious ways against “Your” throne.

My “Father” is everywhere that I go. My love for… ”You” is my sword against the enemy. I am protected by “Your” angels (John 3:16) kindly states that "God" so loved the world that he gave “his one and only "Son", that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. I now have that inner peace with God and it feels good. I guard my ears and my heart and the “Nay Sayers” are long gone—realizing that it is "God’s" will for me. I know now that “He” has given me a measure of “His” grace and mercy. So; I pick up my cross as I am led by the spirit of the “Highest God.” Which is my guiding light…my hope and strength for tomorrow…my everlasting Fifty “Son” Shades of—blue violet wild flowers that are growing fast in my heart? I love “You” Lord!!!!!!!

To make a long story short “God” is my shepherd, and I will lack for nothing. “He” makes me lie down in green pastures and lead me beside quiet waters—refreshing my soul as…”He” guides me on the right paths for his name sake. So even though, I am walking through the darkest valley. I will fear no evil—because; the house of “God” is in my soul.” Meaning that…I represent; “the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The four of us is immovable. So My Question too you 

Image result for The house of “God” Is In my SoulAmen!!!!!!!


  1. And If not Psalm 23:5 says. Let the lover of your soul restore it

  2. "Peace" is what our "Father" wants so put on the armor of "God" and be ready because "He" is soon approaching. Amen!!!!!!!!

  3. Just a word to the wise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. It's way to much evil in this world. And that just should not be. Be blessed in the heavens and in the earth. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
