Sunday, August 2, 2015

"God's" Rope-A-Dope...of protection

Image result for jesus will protect you from the  rope a dope

God indeed out did “Himself when—“He gave his only begotten “Son” to this universe. It was at the cross where, Jesus assimilated all the evil forces of this universe and all that they could dispense upon “Him.”  “He” exhausted those powers and defeated them, not by striking back at them, but instead by, in a sense, turning the other cheek and allowing the violence of evil to do its uttermost. When Jesus was on the cross, Lucifer and his demonized foes “punched themselves out,” and after they had done all that they could do to Jesus. It was then that our “Father” transpired great triumphant over all that did him harm. He arose…“Up from the grave on the third day” Glory Hallelujah. This scene takes me back to my childhood days to the fight of my favorite two boxers Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. For several respective rounds...during this fight Muhammad Ali backed against the rope "simply" guarded his face and let George Foreman jab away at him. When the eleventh round came into play, George Foreman had punched himself out to the point he was drained… and it was then that Ali struck back and George Foreman, was weakened by having swung at Ali for ten rounds, he simply had nothing left to opposition himself up against Ali. Foreman had worn himself out and, in his weariness, he fell down to the canvas of that ring."Now that's straight dope."  Ring-savvy" if you ask me." In todays timing you can say old George got "jack-knifed." It was right then that I remembered a "shout" by Martin Luther King Jr., “One simple blow will fell him.” Meaning that...“Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?”

My point is that Jesus hung on the cross and let Satan and all the evil demon spirits of this universe fatigue themselves in their attempt to destroy “Him”…now  this is what you call "God's"  Rope-A-Dope...of protection. In other words there is a humble rumble in God's Heavenly jungle. In my stay here on earth “God” has open mine eyes and blessed me with the strength to use my…”God” given rope-a-dope techniques and to learn to bob & weave dealing with the trails and tribulation that has come in and out of my daily life. I’ve had to deal with tremendous stumbling blocks and situation that arise in our daily lives every single day. Making it truly impossible to deal with. I am saying this to say that…at this point in time in our lives—you better buckle down and be head strong in God’s direction. “Time is not getting further, it is getting nearer.” And Know is the time for God’s “Rope-A-Dope, Bob & Weave techniques in our lives in today’s timing. This is truly what’s going to get us by. The word is your defense {Psalms 94:22}  and Jesus is your offence {Matthew 16:23} and the Holy Spirit is your covenant protection { 2 Corinthians 1:22} against any obstacle that may come your way. Please remember that you have to get mad first in order to learn how to be happy.... at the end of the day. "With all that said always stand position armored down...with the Glory of  God.“Amen”

Image result for jesus will protect you from the  rope a dope


  1. God wisely uses this situation to protect human free will, which is a gift from "His", divine love." Amen"
