Saturday, February 7, 2015

"God is a God of Order."

The  Book of "Numbers", the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the fourth of five books of the Jewish Torah. As I study the book of "Numbers", I see God is a God of order. The promise that " The  Grand Architect of this Universe"; made to Abraham is now coming to pass. After wandering in the wilderness for forty years the Hebrews approach the Promise Land,...this is the day that life begans for the the children of our "King."  As I read..I find that God is all knowing meaning...God thy Father knows everthing; nothing is hidden from "Him" and nothing is lost... "He"  knows us all by name. My God even knows every star, bird, flower, and every number of hair on our little heads. The numbering was'nt  for God's benefit it was for ours. God verified "He" would do what he promised."He" indentified with "His" sheep individually "He"; was aware of the condition of his flock. "He" then separated,...the Israelites into twelve tribes. This was to be their family tree, "He" wanted them to be sure of their pedigree; so that they could be apart of  "His" army. God; then...organized them this was the real key,..and it shows that Our "Father" does things decent and in order. Each tribe had linkage, accountability, order,..and they were mobilized  for war. In every tribe there was a leader and they all had a job to do for our "Master."

This book is confirmation that we all are important to,"God" and we are a part of "His plan.  We are very important to "His will. My Father has enormous store for all of "His" children that believes in "Him." He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Our heart is God's  storage chamber in our home.  In Leviticus 26:40-45 it establishes the truth that when we repent,..and get our heart in line, with our Creator "He" willingly gives us a golden key to his throne,... of  "Grace and Mercy." So I,...ask my Father to create in me a clean heart. Our Father wants us to live righteously, worshipping "Him" through our words and work. I pray that my heart becomes soft and I open it up to God's guiding hand.

Its all about Heaven and Revelation 4:7-8,11; confirms that states that the first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the  living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings... day and night they never stop saying Holy, Holy,  Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come. So, I eat what makes me happy God's word for it is "God's Glory!!! so I can take as many walks with you I desire. " I know that "You" are committed to me know matter what." The Gospel of "Your salvation is my strong tower keeper. I love you Lord!!!!!  Amen!!!!

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