Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Promised Land

In Genesis 15:18-21;...I read that God first made a covenant with Abram which at this time was not Jewish.and said, to your descendants...I give this land, from the wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates. In Genesis 28:13; it shows that the promise was confirm to Abraham son Isaac, and then to Isaac's son Jacob. Which is now Abraham's grandson. Jacob who God renamed Israel...and from Jacob son Judah which is Abraham's great-grandson comes,..the term Jews. The Promise Land was given to his decendents after Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt.(Deuteronomy 1:8). As I study I find the Promise Land is truly a land of milk and honey...this homeland given by God is a speacial place;...and its the only place on God's  green earth where the Hebrew people can achieve their mission. This is a place of obedience, spirituality, a place of tremendous potential,...and the only way the Israelites can live on this land and prosper,...they must maintain a upstanding relationship with our "King",...and carry on the mission of our forefather Abraham. This land that God promised to Israel included;... the Nile River in Egypt to Lebanon. ( North and South) from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (east and west). Which known in todays time as Palestines, Jordan and some parts of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. This promise was unconditional. Our Father confirmed this promise. This promise is mentioned least over 55 times with an oath and stated, least 12 times, that the covenant was everlasting and God indeed honored "His"...promise bringing the Israelites into the Promise Land, 40 years after freeing the Exodus from Egypt.

"When I think about the Promise Land, I think on the terms Heaven or Paradise,...and as an escape from slavery." And it takes me back to a speech made by "Martin Luther King, Jr in April of the 3rd day in 1968 @ the Mason Temple Church of God in Christ Headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee." "Mr. King stated that he have been to the mountain top. I just want to do God's will...and he has allowed me to go up to the  mountain and I've looked over. And I've seen the Promise Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we as people, will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy, tonight. I am not worried about anything.I am not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. On April 4th, 1968; Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis just like Jesus was on the cross." King was a prophet like so many others that have seen the Promise Land... but what I will leave with you is that every boy, girl, man women, child, Gentile, Buddhism, Catholicism,...will bow and Worship our King when he returns those that believe in Christ. And those that do not believe will burn into a lake of fire for an eternity. " I believe that impossible things are happening everyday and...its possbile that my change has come...through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Roman 10:9); states if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. May God have the blessing of the sharing of his word. Amen!!! I love you Lord!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fret your enemies bad report for "God",...will defeat them!!!!

I have been set apart as Holy... because Jesus did what his "Father wanted him to do. Jesus sacrificed his body for us all. As I read Numbers I find that..." God's" word is truth ( John 17:17). Inside of me is God's grace, favor, spiritual strenght, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of "His"word. With all that said, "Daddy" told me to fret not... to my enemies bad report of me for "God will defeat them in due timing. (Numbers 14:36),...confirms that fact. God's word says that "He",...will watch over me and supply my every need protecting me from temptation and evil.( Matthew 4:4) states man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of "God." So to all mine enemies...I will praise my bright "Morning  Star until the trumpets sounds. From where I am sitting I can see My "Father's" eyes of everlasting love shining down on me. I recieve "Your" Grace and Mercy from "Your" Son Jesus. "Your" peace...supercedes all that I can not understand. For I am a child of the King,  a saved, daughter to Jesus,..filled with the Holy Spirit a new creation. The old has passed away and the new has arose, and I am washed and cleansed by the precious blood of the Lamb of "God." "You"! are the "Great I Am! Like Moses and Aaron I assume my fighting stance. I drop to my knees. I call for "God's Calvary to intervene. I ask for "Your" courage to strenghten me. Hallelujah!

(Joshua 1:9); and (Deuteronomy 31:6); says to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Lord,...I pray for "Your" strenght. Because;...(1John 4:4);...says greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. " I am learning that everything on Earth...and in Heaven is for "Your" Glory...not mine." "I also know that it is "Your" plan for my faith to be tested. For I know God is good indeed! He rewards the faithful beyond belief! Only one person fully paid the price of atonement and that's Jesus. I am a foreigner in this land, just passing through... I am swathe in an terrestrial carapace. I am a gaint not a grasshopper and I choose... to be saved through the atoning act of the high priest of the High calling...not on the side of the camp dead from a plague. "Jesus"; is my eternal priest and he cares for me..."He" is Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end. I love "You" Lord! May the Grace...of the "Lord Jesus, and the love of God, and,..."His fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all ( 2 Corinthians 13:14). May God have the blessing to the sharing of his word. Praise! "God" for "You" are worthy! to be praised and honored! Amen!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Nothing but the blood of Jesus

My "Father,"...has allowed me to join hands on his love train...and it is filled with love peace and joy.  Because of this satan is mad but...I plead the blood of Jesus,...on him casting him to the pit of hell where he belongs. I thank God for the blood thats strenghts me. How precious is your name Jesus. 1 Corithians 13:4-8;...says love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love nerve fails. True love is like catching real lighening in a bottle and thats how God is...through him we are given a speacial gift of love...that agape love, that supernatural love that comes from "Him." With that said,...I pray and love all that would try and do me harm. The bible says in John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave "His" one and only Son, that whoever believes in "Him" shall not perish but have eternal life. My Heavenly Father did not send "His"  Son unto this world to judge the world; "He" sent Jesus in order that the world might be saved through "Him" that is true love.

Psalm 52:8 tells me to trust In God's unfailing love forever and ever...because Roman 8:39; states "Nor heights nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of our King." This proves that nothing can match God's love and "His" love is indeed unique and it is all for us. Just knowing that God loves me,..tells me that I can surpass all things that come my way. With all that said... I can not forget God's love for me. For Psalm 136:26; tells me to give thanks to the God of Heaven, for "His" steadfast love endures forever. The King of Heaven...loves us all like...if there was only one of us. Thank you God for sending "Your" Son to die for me. Proverbs 10:12 states that hatred stirs up strife, but, love covers all offenses. I praise and thank you for the blood of Jesus. For "Your" charity suffereth long. Nothing but the blood of  Jesus shall set you free. I love "You" Lord "You are my first my last my everthing, I pray "Your" blood cover me always. Amen!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

"God is a God of Order."

The  Book of "Numbers", the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the fourth of five books of the Jewish Torah. As I study the book of "Numbers", I see God is a God of order. The promise that " The  Grand Architect of this Universe"; made to Abraham is now coming to pass. After wandering in the wilderness for forty years the Hebrews approach the Promise Land,...this is the day that life begans for the the children of our "King."  As I read..I find that God is all knowing meaning...God thy Father knows everthing; nothing is hidden from "Him" and nothing is lost... "He"  knows us all by name. My God even knows every star, bird, flower, and every number of hair on our little heads. The numbering was'nt  for God's benefit it was for ours. God verified "He" would do what he promised."He" indentified with "His" sheep individually "He"; was aware of the condition of his flock. "He" then separated,...the Israelites into twelve tribes. This was to be their family tree, "He" wanted them to be sure of their pedigree; so that they could be apart of  "His" army. God; then...organized them this was the real key,..and it shows that Our "Father" does things decent and in order. Each tribe had linkage, accountability, order,..and they were mobilized  for war. In every tribe there was a leader and they all had a job to do for our "Master."

This book is confirmation that we all are important to,"God" and we are a part of "His plan.  We are very important to "His will. My Father has enormous store for all of "His" children that believes in "Him." He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Our heart is God's  storage chamber in our home.  In Leviticus 26:40-45 it establishes the truth that when we repent,..and get our heart in line, with our Creator "He" willingly gives us a golden key to his throne,... of  "Grace and Mercy." So I,...ask my Father to create in me a clean heart. Our Father wants us to live righteously, worshipping "Him" through our words and work. I pray that my heart becomes soft and I open it up to God's guiding hand.

Its all about Heaven and Revelation 4:7-8,11; confirms that states that the first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the  living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings... day and night they never stop saying Holy, Holy,  Holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come. So, I eat what makes me happy God's word for it is "God's Glory!!! so I can take as many walks with you I desire. " I know that "You" are committed to me know matter what." The Gospel of "Your salvation is my strong tower keeper. I love you Lord!!!!!  Amen!!!!