Friday, October 31, 2014

Cowardly Act of War!!!

As "I" read both Exodus 17:8-16 and Deuteronomy 25:17-18; I find that the Amalekites were a group of wandering nomads with no fixed residence...they moved from place to place in search of food, water and grazing land. They attacked the Israelites at the end of the line from the rear...where the elderly, women, children and baggage laid, with the intent to steal from the chosen children of God. "Such a cowardly act of war don't you think." Here Moses with Gods command "delegate"...Joshua to "lead" others into the "front line" of  "battle" with an organization that is weak in strenght...this is not a good place to be at this time for Joshua and his soldiers. At the same time Moses, Hur, and Aaron goes to the top of a hill in the Sinai. As Moses held up his arms praying to "God " the Israelites won, but when he put his arms down, the Amalekites began to win. This is because God, stop acting."  This proves that there is power in prayer. Awesome!!! "Praying indeed was the hard work here...not the battle." Moses needed help from Hur and Aaron raising his arms to support him on that hill top while he prayed to God.  The Amalekites were defeated  war over and this is what happens when we do not pray. "My point is this...fighting may be important but; with much need prayer we are shatter proof,  inextinguishable if you know what I mean." My question is. Are you a "front line Warrior" for "God?"

I am finding out in my christian journey "with" Christ that when the church on the inside began to pray with outstretched arms...things began to happen chains are broken "God"  indeed; will have his way, just like he did when Joshua faught the wandering nomads. This was a great story. At this time, Moses was the man of  "God" with the staff of "God" in his hands. Our Father, wants us to look to him for help and "He" will supply our every need. "He" is our defender and protector just like "He" was for "His" chosen children the " Israelites". As I walk and talk "with" Christ I am  witnessing that my Father, in Heaven keeps all his promises..."He" will defend the weak, "He" sees the wicked, and will take revenge in our behalf just "Believe."

Heavenly Father, as I enter into "Your" presence with outstretched arms. I pray for "Your" renewed strenght and courage. I seek "Your"  help, guidance and spiritual help from..."Your" Son Jesus when I am feel weak and weary. I give "You" all the credit for all that "You" have done for me thus far. "Your" word says, If the Son has set me free I am free indeed. "I believe...that Jesus is the true living waters if we drink we will never thrist again. "Your" Son is the true vine that produce fresh fruit  and "You" are the gardener ( John 15:1-27)." The water that "Your Son gives is eternal life and whoever believes in Jesus rivers of living water will flow from within them. The water is from "Jesus" the "Solid Rock" of "Christ" and I hold up the Banner of God's throne of Grace and Mercy. I love "You Lord!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Hanging out in a dry Desert of Sin"

In Genesis 12:2 God told Abraham, " I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great and you will be a blessing to others around you." The Israelites are the people of that said promise, but they have a lot to learn...while they are hanging out in a wilderness of sin. According to God's purpose and plan they would have to past his test first; because he is their new King. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that would rule and reign over them forever and ever. But my Father, knew it would take a great deal of patience and love to teach his chosen people. At this point in time God, has a bigger and more better lesson to teach his people...and as I read I can see this in the "tests" that He gives them. God, is trying to teach them to trust in Him, to accept His love totally, relying on Him, obeying  His laws...and to worship and serve Him only. " My God is Awesome!" He is Mighty! He is a Deliver! and He is our Protector! not Moses...he is just the messenger ordered by Our Heavenly Father to help with the fulfilling of prophecy.

  •  When God calls...we must obey Him and know its really a test. Our Father, will provide for us in unexpected ways and times at His convenience and not ours. There is no need to argue or grumble at the messenger...our God, knows all our needs we just need to hold on a little while longer and "Believe" that He will see us through in dew timing. In Exodus 17:7 the Israelites put the Lord at a test when they asked, " Is the Lord amongst us or not?" I was completely surprised. A blow to the right and the left if you know what I mean by that...and here is why. In Exodus 13:21-22; I see after reading, "the Lord was with them the whole time in a pillar of a cloud by day and by night in a pillar of fire so they could travel day or night, and they had the nerve to ask; was the Lord here with us or not?" Blind idiots! I had to go look at myself in the mirror cause I am guilty of being a blind idiot as well I see myself, my needs, my wants and everything around me but; I don't see the Glory of God and all that he has done for me thus far. I began to repent  because I realized at that moment that God indeed is the source of my supply and all power is in His Hands...and because of Him I saved.

"I learned here that my answer is not in is in You God Almighty. A good eye opener for me. I pray to "You" Father, that I continue to lift the blindness and know that "You," are with me always just as "You," were with the Hebrews in the Desert of Sin." I turn to you Lord God, for "Your" compassion and mercy is...the true Bread of Heaven. I thank "You" for my grateful heart and for making my heart even more grateful of my many endeavors that "You" have bestowed upon me." May God have the blessing to His word according to His purpose." Amen!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Your right hand, Eternal One, is magnificent in power. Exodus 15:6

Lord, You raised Your right hand, and the earth swallowed Your enemies. (Exodus 15:12); and with Your loyal love, You have led the people you have redeemed; (Exodus 15:13) to your sacred dwelling place. Lord God, you are my strenght and my defense; you have become my salvation. Your right hand is majestic in power. Your right hand Lord, will shatter all of my oppressors sifting them out..."one by one." Jesus set down at Your right hand Father God...and all of the power of, Your right hand is directed through his loving touch. With that said all my enemies hide. They crouch at the doorway. They lurk in the shadows. They seek to sift me but; Lord you are my protector. You are Mighty in Jesus, and with him in me I am made super -naturally strong, and Holy.

God, I know that..."You" have something more bigger and powerful then all my oppressors could ever imagine. "You" are worthy of all my praise. God, I put all mine trust in you because; "Your power is real." In Your KIngdom their are no "slaves." When the Israelites left Egypt they were armed for battle with Your Amazing Power and Grace. Heavenly Father, "You" showed them that "You" were more powerful  then the entire Egyptian army and their 8700 gods. You parted the waters the Israelites crossed over on dry land...walls of water on both sides of them safely they passed through " You are an Awesome God." Here come the Egyptians they get stuck and break down in the midst of the parted sea...and "You"God, just simply closed the sea destroying and defeating that army. Now that's a reason too "Believe" God's Amazing Power! Hallelujah!!!. Lord, let "Your Will"; be done was done for Moses and the Hebrews. My thankfulness to "You" God, for "Your" outstretched treasured in my heart. So, I will Sing! Dance! with my Tambourine in my hand as I Brenda Ford, name and claim victory right now in JESUS name Amen!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

No more brick without straw!

Upon Moses telling Pharaoh God's command to let the "Hebrews go"  Pharaoh heart became hardened. Pharaoh's reply back to Moses...Who is the Lord that I  Pharaoh should obey? As I read I find that Pharaoh didn't know the Lord God Almighty nor did he want to. Pharaoh had no love for the Israelites they were just a means to an end for him "slaves"  to Pharaoh they weren't people only machines in the production of his building. As I compare my life with the life of  the my day to day life; I am amongest a fallen world with earthly day to day problems. I can say that I am a foreignor passing through this terror land. I am a child of God set apart for my God's Glory and his Kingdom. I live and work with people everyday...that will quickly turn on you with a drop of an hat. I ask my Heavenly Father...when faced with this oppression of man do I bend to them or do I stand with God's Grace and Mercy." God tells me my daugher...your faith is to strong to bow down and worship the devil in his dirty dealings. " I say no more brick without straw. "MY GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!"

What I have learned about Pharaoh is that he didn't know the Hebrew God and he didn't  have fear or respect for the Lord God Almighty. Pharaoh thought of himself as a God with power. Moses on the other
 hand was still doubtful that he could do what God had called him to do. Instead  of Moses asking God...Why Lord?  Why have you brought trouble on this people?  "I feel that Moses should of kept his eyes on the prize of the high calling because, after all at the end of the day...the Lord is the only one who can free them from slavery; by His Outstretched arms with...Mighty Acts of Judgements."  We as humans naturally blame others for our hardship. "I feel that it takes a bigger person with bigger faith to see the bigger picture in the midst of our hardship...and I believe this is what God, was trying to teach Moses here." Just have faith even if you can't see your way through. When straw problems arise turn to God. "I ask myself this question did Israel past Gods test? No,God wanted the Israelites to grow in trust of him first before he would free them."

"I find in my own life walking in faith isn't easy its hard but...if we surrender to God's will and his way the load gets ligher."  When I am in doubt, "God tells me you can do this with me by your side just as he stated to Moses many times before."  "As I read the Bible, I see that God is talking to me; his promise, guidance, and his love for me is everlasting."  "I pray that I remember this ever second, minute, hour,and everyday of my life here on this earth."  God's Grace here is telling Moses that he is in total control not Pharaoh. This proves that timing is nothing to God, even if it took 430 years to fulfill the covenant. " May God have the blessing to his word according to his purpose!"  Amen!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Moses and the burning bush

Thoughout the good book the states that God decsends using firer and smoke. In the book of Hebrews 12:29 it says that our God is a consuming firer. Acts 2:1-4 states that at the day of Pentecost everyone was in one place and, that they saw what seemed to be a tongue of firer...and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 66:15 talks about excuting jugement on the guilty. Zechariah 13:9 states that God himself will test and refine those that are true believers. Exodus 3:2 says in fact that the angle of the Lord appeared to Moses in flames of firer from within a bush. How awesome is that! The manifestation of God's presence is indeed at work here."I feel as a believer in christ that I should worship my Father in every area of my life."
God desires my worship and recognition of his holiness. He will never forget me, he always has a plan; he cares for me, he is patient, showing mercy, he watches me protecting me always and his love for me is to no end. Amen!!!!!  My God is a just Daddy and he knows what it takes to prepare me for my calling. God thy Father will always make away for me no matter what. What's for me is for me! God's main focus for me is setting me free. My Father is faithful in all that he do for his children...just as he did for Moses and the Israites. My Heavenly father is forever good to those who believe in him. God sees our misery he hears our crying...and he is very concerned about our suffering,and he will rescue us from the hands of our enemies giving us eternal life beyond a shadow of a doubt. My God reigns! FOREVER HE REIGNS! There is no worries with God on our side! MY DADDY HAS THE RIVER THE PADDLE AND THE BOAT AND IF I FOLLOW HIM I WILL FLOAT! AWESOME FATHER isn't he!!!!