Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Your right hand, Eternal One, is magnificent in power. Exodus 15:6

Lord, You raised Your right hand, and the earth swallowed Your enemies. (Exodus 15:12); and with Your loyal love, You have led the people you have redeemed; (Exodus 15:13) to your sacred dwelling place. Lord God, you are my strenght and my defense; you have become my salvation. Your right hand is majestic in power. Your right hand Lord, will shatter all of my oppressors sifting them out..."one by one." Jesus set down at Your right hand Father God...and all of the power of, Your right hand is directed through his loving touch. With that said all my enemies hide. They crouch at the doorway. They lurk in the shadows. They seek to sift me but; Lord you are my protector. You are Mighty in Jesus, and with him in me I am made super -naturally strong, and Holy.

God, I know that..."You" have something more bigger and powerful then all my oppressors could ever imagine. "You" are worthy of all my praise. God, I put all mine trust in you because; "Your power is real." In Your KIngdom their are no "slaves." When the Israelites left Egypt they were armed for battle with Your Amazing Power and Grace. Heavenly Father, "You" showed them that "You" were more powerful  then the entire Egyptian army and their 8700 gods. You parted the waters the Israelites crossed over on dry land...walls of water on both sides of them safely they passed through " You are an Awesome God." Here come the Egyptians they get stuck and break down in the midst of the parted sea...and "You"God, just simply closed the sea destroying and defeating that army. Now that's a reason too "Believe" God's Amazing Power! Hallelujah!!!. Lord, let "Your Will"; be done as...it was done for Moses and the Hebrews. My thankfulness to "You" God, for "Your" outstretched hands...is treasured in my heart. So, I will Sing! Dance! with my Tambourine in my hand as I Brenda Ford, name and claim victory right now in JESUS name Amen!!!

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