Friday, October 31, 2014

Cowardly Act of War!!!

As "I" read both Exodus 17:8-16 and Deuteronomy 25:17-18; I find that the Amalekites were a group of wandering nomads with no fixed residence...they moved from place to place in search of food, water and grazing land. They attacked the Israelites at the end of the line from the rear...where the elderly, women, children and baggage laid, with the intent to steal from the chosen children of God. "Such a cowardly act of war don't you think." Here Moses with Gods command "delegate"...Joshua to "lead" others into the "front line" of  "battle" with an organization that is weak in strenght...this is not a good place to be at this time for Joshua and his soldiers. At the same time Moses, Hur, and Aaron goes to the top of a hill in the Sinai. As Moses held up his arms praying to "God " the Israelites won, but when he put his arms down, the Amalekites began to win. This is because God, stop acting."  This proves that there is power in prayer. Awesome!!! "Praying indeed was the hard work here...not the battle." Moses needed help from Hur and Aaron raising his arms to support him on that hill top while he prayed to God.  The Amalekites were defeated  war over and this is what happens when we do not pray. "My point is this...fighting may be important but; with much need prayer we are shatter proof,  inextinguishable if you know what I mean." My question is. Are you a "front line Warrior" for "God?"

I am finding out in my christian journey "with" Christ that when the church on the inside began to pray with outstretched arms...things began to happen chains are broken "God"  indeed; will have his way, just like he did when Joshua faught the wandering nomads. This was a great story. At this time, Moses was the man of  "God" with the staff of "God" in his hands. Our Father, wants us to look to him for help and "He" will supply our every need. "He" is our defender and protector just like "He" was for "His" chosen children the " Israelites". As I walk and talk "with" Christ I am  witnessing that my Father, in Heaven keeps all his promises..."He" will defend the weak, "He" sees the wicked, and will take revenge in our behalf just "Believe."

Heavenly Father, as I enter into "Your" presence with outstretched arms. I pray for "Your" renewed strenght and courage. I seek "Your"  help, guidance and spiritual help from..."Your" Son Jesus when I am feel weak and weary. I give "You" all the credit for all that "You" have done for me thus far. "Your" word says, If the Son has set me free I am free indeed. "I believe...that Jesus is the true living waters if we drink we will never thrist again. "Your" Son is the true vine that produce fresh fruit  and "You" are the gardener ( John 15:1-27)." The water that "Your Son gives is eternal life and whoever believes in Jesus rivers of living water will flow from within them. The water is from "Jesus" the "Solid Rock" of "Christ" and I hold up the Banner of God's throne of Grace and Mercy. I love "You Lord!!!!!!!

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