Monday, October 20, 2014

No more brick without straw!

Upon Moses telling Pharaoh God's command to let the "Hebrews go"  Pharaoh heart became hardened. Pharaoh's reply back to Moses...Who is the Lord that I  Pharaoh should obey? As I read I find that Pharaoh didn't know the Lord God Almighty nor did he want to. Pharaoh had no love for the Israelites they were just a means to an end for him "slaves"  to Pharaoh they weren't people only machines in the production of his building. As I compare my life with the life of  the my day to day life; I am amongest a fallen world with earthly day to day problems. I can say that I am a foreignor passing through this terror land. I am a child of God set apart for my God's Glory and his Kingdom. I live and work with people everyday...that will quickly turn on you with a drop of an hat. I ask my Heavenly Father...when faced with this oppression of man do I bend to them or do I stand with God's Grace and Mercy." God tells me my daugher...your faith is to strong to bow down and worship the devil in his dirty dealings. " I say no more brick without straw. "MY GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!"

What I have learned about Pharaoh is that he didn't know the Hebrew God and he didn't  have fear or respect for the Lord God Almighty. Pharaoh thought of himself as a God with power. Moses on the other
 hand was still doubtful that he could do what God had called him to do. Instead  of Moses asking God...Why Lord?  Why have you brought trouble on this people?  "I feel that Moses should of kept his eyes on the prize of the high calling because, after all at the end of the day...the Lord is the only one who can free them from slavery; by His Outstretched arms with...Mighty Acts of Judgements."  We as humans naturally blame others for our hardship. "I feel that it takes a bigger person with bigger faith to see the bigger picture in the midst of our hardship...and I believe this is what God, was trying to teach Moses here." Just have faith even if you can't see your way through. When straw problems arise turn to God. "I ask myself this question did Israel past Gods test? No,God wanted the Israelites to grow in trust of him first before he would free them."

"I find in my own life walking in faith isn't easy its hard but...if we surrender to God's will and his way the load gets ligher."  When I am in doubt, "God tells me you can do this with me by your side just as he stated to Moses many times before."  "As I read the Bible, I see that God is talking to me; his promise, guidance, and his love for me is everlasting."  "I pray that I remember this ever second, minute, hour,and everyday of my life here on this earth."  God's Grace here is telling Moses that he is in total control not Pharaoh. This proves that timing is nothing to God, even if it took 430 years to fulfill the covenant. " May God have the blessing to his word according to his purpose!"  Amen!

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