Thursday, October 16, 2014

Moses and the burning bush

Thoughout the good book the states that God decsends using firer and smoke. In the book of Hebrews 12:29 it says that our God is a consuming firer. Acts 2:1-4 states that at the day of Pentecost everyone was in one place and, that they saw what seemed to be a tongue of firer...and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 66:15 talks about excuting jugement on the guilty. Zechariah 13:9 states that God himself will test and refine those that are true believers. Exodus 3:2 says in fact that the angle of the Lord appeared to Moses in flames of firer from within a bush. How awesome is that! The manifestation of God's presence is indeed at work here."I feel as a believer in christ that I should worship my Father in every area of my life."
God desires my worship and recognition of his holiness. He will never forget me, he always has a plan; he cares for me, he is patient, showing mercy, he watches me protecting me always and his love for me is to no end. Amen!!!!!  My God is a just Daddy and he knows what it takes to prepare me for my calling. God thy Father will always make away for me no matter what. What's for me is for me! God's main focus for me is setting me free. My Father is faithful in all that he do for his children...just as he did for Moses and the Israites. My Heavenly father is forever good to those who believe in him. God sees our misery he hears our crying...and he is very concerned about our suffering,and he will rescue us from the hands of our enemies giving us eternal life beyond a shadow of a doubt. My God reigns! FOREVER HE REIGNS! There is no worries with God on our side! MY DADDY HAS THE RIVER THE PADDLE AND THE BOAT AND IF I FOLLOW HIM I WILL FLOAT! AWESOME FATHER isn't he!!!!

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