Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Hanging out in a dry Desert of Sin"

In Genesis 12:2 God told Abraham, " I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great and you will be a blessing to others around you." The Israelites are the people of that said promise, but they have a lot to learn...while they are hanging out in a wilderness of sin. According to God's purpose and plan they would have to past his test first; because he is their new King. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that would rule and reign over them forever and ever. But my Father, knew it would take a great deal of patience and love to teach his chosen people. At this point in time God, has a bigger and more better lesson to teach his people...and as I read I can see this in the "tests" that He gives them. God, is trying to teach them to trust in Him, to accept His love totally, relying on Him, obeying  His laws...and to worship and serve Him only. " My God is Awesome!" He is Mighty! He is a Deliver! and He is our Protector! not Moses...he is just the messenger ordered by Our Heavenly Father to help with the fulfilling of prophecy.

  •  When God calls...we must obey Him and know its really a test. Our Father, will provide for us in unexpected ways and times at His convenience and not ours. There is no need to argue or grumble at the messenger...our God, knows all our needs we just need to hold on a little while longer and "Believe" that He will see us through in dew timing. In Exodus 17:7 the Israelites put the Lord at a test when they asked, " Is the Lord amongst us or not?" I was completely surprised. A blow to the right and the left if you know what I mean by that...and here is why. In Exodus 13:21-22; I see after reading, "the Lord was with them the whole time in a pillar of a cloud by day and by night in a pillar of fire so they could travel day or night, and they had the nerve to ask; was the Lord here with us or not?" Blind idiots! I had to go look at myself in the mirror cause I am guilty of being a blind idiot as well I see myself, my needs, my wants and everything around me but; I don't see the Glory of God and all that he has done for me thus far. I began to repent  because I realized at that moment that God indeed is the source of my supply and all power is in His Hands...and because of Him I saved.

"I learned here that my answer is not in is in You God Almighty. A good eye opener for me. I pray to "You" Father, that I continue to lift the blindness and know that "You," are with me always just as "You," were with the Hebrews in the Desert of Sin." I turn to you Lord God, for "Your" compassion and mercy is...the true Bread of Heaven. I thank "You" for my grateful heart and for making my heart even more grateful of my many endeavors that "You" have bestowed upon me." May God have the blessing to His word according to His purpose." Amen!

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