Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Stay in position

God "Himself" is love, and "He values love highly. It is worth more than prophecy, knowledge, hope and faith combined. So with love we can surpass all things. My sovereign's King love is so deep to the point: "He" sacrificed "His" son on the cross at calvary. This is why I love who Jesus is... "He sacrificed alot for us making us "His" treasure. It's who "He" is a good Father. "He" knows what we need before we even ask that's love. The love that we all need now and forever... I will stay in position of my King.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Which side or you on?

Habakkuk 2:4 states " Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. In other words God is asking us will we? Be amongst  the proud, who " shall be destroyed, or the just "His" faithful, who will be rewarded. " WHICH SIDE OR YOU ON?" Because when we truly trust our Father "His" Faith is directed upward, not inward. Believe!  I pray that we continue  to be a great vessel  praying for more Grace and more Glory. Amen!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Elohim! directs ordinary flawed sheep, to carry out his extraordinary plan.

"Elohim!" took a King from an uncultivated country in order for Samuel to anoint him. It appears our "Father" played a bit of a guessing game with old  Samuel. Reason being " He" only gave Samuel an address...the house of Jesse in Bethlehem with no name. In other words Samuel "see if you can see what I see." Our "Sovereign King" had a keen sense of humor... "don't you think." Eventhough; Samuel feared Saul he went on to Bethlehem anyway. Why? Because; God gave him a valid excuse to hide behind---and that excuse was to hold a sacrificial meal. A proven fact that when "He" send us on a mission we will be protected  at all cost. And Saul never imagined that he would be replaced by such a handsome youngsters. May I add that indeed--- he was the Father's man! "Samuel  anointed him in the presence of his brothers" and from that day on the Spirit  of the Lord was upon David in Power this little shepherd boy; with a ruddy complexion. Wow! At last this maze of a puzzle is complete.

Our "Loving Creator" work's  in countless ways, and somewhere "He" pulls the threads  together. "He" use people of all ages. "His" method is always  divinely fascinating and often suprising.  At times it requires great sacrifice and courage to overcome our fears.And  You best believe "Our Father from up above has "His" hand on the wheel, with "His" on  the twist in the road." To "follow" the Lord, is sometimes  a strange, painful and difficult experience, but it is always adventures. Amen!

"Lying! To the Holy Spirit.

 Thanking God, for his life giving spirit. The Holy spirit is at work all over this universe. But if we fail to let the Spirit lead and guide us we will miss a great opportunity to be part of our Sovereign King's working team and this is Paul's reasoning in (1 Thessalonians  5:19 ). Do not quench the Spirit. I've learned through  my own life crisis "that if  I want to live a prefect  life---I must follow the leading  of the Holy Spirit at all times and that I shouldn't neglect  my spiritual  gifts that is within me. For God has not given me  a spirit  of fear, but power and love and  great discipline. I should do his will in "awe" never being a shame of "Him". I also should use my spiritual  gifts submitting  to the Holy Spirit at all times----"not just on Sunday" everyday all day telling sin to go straight  to hell from whence it came. Bottom line we all should  want to live under God's control. Except your Father's wisdom boasting about the Good news all day everyday. Talk to your Father allow the Spirit  to minister to you, pursue his righteousness, rejoice, pray and give thanks remembering that his presence goes with us everywhere we go. Remember stay focus we are not perfect but we will be more alert. The choice is truly your may you all be blessed going and coming. Amen!

Are? You salt seasoned

(Colossians 4:6 ) Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response  for everyone. NLT.

My grandmother would "say not to much salt "little miss black"-- it's just not good for you at all." I learn here in this verse. Salt is good it changes the flavor from a biblical  stand point. "My reasoning is Paul's metaphor shows me a couple  of meanings. 1. Being a believer of  Christ my words just ought to preserve the message of " my Father reaching as many people as possible and what... I say to others should add value to my conversation; uplifting, encouraging and being helpful to my peeps.

Finally to sum it up for you-- Christian living should be clear in the  different "flavors" of how we treat and act towards one another. In other words honor in your heart the True King that laid down his life for you and I. Being Holy, always, being prepared to make a strong defense to anyone who ask you for a reason of hope for a corrupt tommorrow. Always being gentle and loving with a positive presentation of the Gospel "Staying in position" ---and be ready to defend it ( Titus 1:9) . Presenting the " Truth" as it  is written in the Bible. Amen!

"God is not a negotiator when it comes to being prideful."I am a good example that God uses imperfect people for impossible tasks

Success can be a greater good if indeed  it comes from the Lord. King Uzziah success was due to seeking God and his word. Not thinking he was above the law. I learned from the book  of 2 Chronicles chapter 26:1; that I shouldn't confuse fame with success and that fame is indeed a platform for services. In other words  when our Father grants that kind of success it should be used for the Lord and his purpose. All fame should ---be to a person that is walking the walk and talking the talk is an opportunity  to tell more people of the goodness  of our "Sovereign King", so that  "His" name  is exalted.

Imperfect sheep used by an "Gracious God."

When we become delivered in the inside of us there rages a spiritual battle between good and evil. In this scripture Paul already knew that there were two Paul's one bound  in the spirit to Christ and the other one bound to the law of man, which he transgressed by doing that in which he hated. Our mystical battle of becoming one with christ; Is a battle to cleanse the old residue of the carnal law and sin that are still lurking about in our conscious and subconscious. This battle forms a cleansing from  inside of use called the "body of death" This  cleansing is the workings of God in "Elohim our Lord."   As Elohim  begins  to move in the hearts of believers through his spirit, we become aware of what isn't  in line with our "King."  He's  perfect  in all "His" ways. The good books says In principal, we become like "Him," but we will remain imperfect until the new dispensation. NOW this irritates me just like it did Paul. Unfortunately! Fokes it is what it is until then. Elohim, I humbly  ask that you gradually  cleanse me as I grow in "You."  Amen  

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Artistic Temperament

Satan! Is the grand master and the prince of the air, and his job is to conqueror and divide; he is very skilled in his craft. He mastered that before... he was throne out of "Heaven"... sorry to bust you all's bubble; but he do not have any respect for your intimacy with the King of the Universe. "Just think about this for minute." Artistic Temperament" very tragic don't you think! My question is how could anyone want to follow some one with a track record of such. "Beelzebub" had a profile of mental illness before he even left heaven. Why? I make such harsh statement. Is because; you would have to be suicidal to think that you could over power the "King of this Universe." Wow! So the million dollar question now is if the "wicked one!" was that dysfunctional there.  Just why? would any one want to follow his worldly wisdom of nonsense. That is a border line for serving a life time sentence to a lake of fire in a bottomless pit for an eternity.  

And that my friend is "Lucifer's" creative, out burst to lure you into his trap. He is desperate at this time. Because he knows that the time is near the end. So their you have the adversary will for you or even I. The" false accuser" is being very fashionable at trying to take you off your square. Where he resides its hot, a fuel of fire that is constantly burning. So do no think it is a silver table with a window.... in a drawing room for you because it is not. Their is no love, joy, or peace not even a hope for tomorrow. " Just pure madness and agony.' Take heed this is what the "father of lies" want for you and I darkness forever. So! Draw your attention back to the upper room but pay close attention to who is sitting underneath the table waiting for you.

Delayed Gratification

Our Father has perfect timing, never early never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but its worth the wait delayed gratification. The future belongs to the true believer. Why? Gargle the knowledge that is free for you...when you could be freely drinking from the fountain of the knowledge of  faith, hope, and love-the greatest of them all is "LOVE!"