Saturday, July 15, 2017

Artistic Temperament

Satan! Is the grand master and the prince of the air, and his job is to conqueror and divide; he is very skilled in his craft. He mastered that before... he was throne out of "Heaven"... sorry to bust you all's bubble; but he do not have any respect for your intimacy with the King of the Universe. "Just think about this for minute." Artistic Temperament" very tragic don't you think! My question is how could anyone want to follow some one with a track record of such. "Beelzebub" had a profile of mental illness before he even left heaven. Why? I make such harsh statement. Is because; you would have to be suicidal to think that you could over power the "King of this Universe." Wow! So the million dollar question now is if the "wicked one!" was that dysfunctional there.  Just why? would any one want to follow his worldly wisdom of nonsense. That is a border line for serving a life time sentence to a lake of fire in a bottomless pit for an eternity.  

And that my friend is "Lucifer's" creative, out burst to lure you into his trap. He is desperate at this time. Because he knows that the time is near the end. So their you have the adversary will for you or even I. The" false accuser" is being very fashionable at trying to take you off your square. Where he resides its hot, a fuel of fire that is constantly burning. So do no think it is a silver table with a window.... in a drawing room for you because it is not. Their is no love, joy, or peace not even a hope for tomorrow. " Just pure madness and agony.' Take heed this is what the "father of lies" want for you and I darkness forever. So! Draw your attention back to the upper room but pay close attention to who is sitting underneath the table waiting for you.

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