Sunday, July 16, 2017

Are? You salt seasoned

(Colossians 4:6 ) Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response  for everyone. NLT.

My grandmother would "say not to much salt "little miss black"-- it's just not good for you at all." I learn here in this verse. Salt is good it changes the flavor from a biblical  stand point. "My reasoning is Paul's metaphor shows me a couple  of meanings. 1. Being a believer of  Christ my words just ought to preserve the message of " my Father reaching as many people as possible and what... I say to others should add value to my conversation; uplifting, encouraging and being helpful to my peeps.

Finally to sum it up for you-- Christian living should be clear in the  different "flavors" of how we treat and act towards one another. In other words honor in your heart the True King that laid down his life for you and I. Being Holy, always, being prepared to make a strong defense to anyone who ask you for a reason of hope for a corrupt tommorrow. Always being gentle and loving with a positive presentation of the Gospel "Staying in position" ---and be ready to defend it ( Titus 1:9) . Presenting the " Truth" as it  is written in the Bible. Amen!

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