Sunday, July 16, 2017

Imperfect sheep used by an "Gracious God."

When we become delivered in the inside of us there rages a spiritual battle between good and evil. In this scripture Paul already knew that there were two Paul's one bound  in the spirit to Christ and the other one bound to the law of man, which he transgressed by doing that in which he hated. Our mystical battle of becoming one with christ; Is a battle to cleanse the old residue of the carnal law and sin that are still lurking about in our conscious and subconscious. This battle forms a cleansing from  inside of use called the "body of death" This  cleansing is the workings of God in "Elohim our Lord."   As Elohim  begins  to move in the hearts of believers through his spirit, we become aware of what isn't  in line with our "King."  He's  perfect  in all "His" ways. The good books says In principal, we become like "Him," but we will remain imperfect until the new dispensation. NOW this irritates me just like it did Paul. Unfortunately! Fokes it is what it is until then. Elohim, I humbly  ask that you gradually  cleanse me as I grow in "You."  Amen  

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