Sunday, July 16, 2017

"Lying! To the Holy Spirit.

 Thanking God, for his life giving spirit. The Holy spirit is at work all over this universe. But if we fail to let the Spirit lead and guide us we will miss a great opportunity to be part of our Sovereign King's working team and this is Paul's reasoning in (1 Thessalonians  5:19 ). Do not quench the Spirit. I've learned through  my own life crisis "that if  I want to live a prefect  life---I must follow the leading  of the Holy Spirit at all times and that I shouldn't neglect  my spiritual  gifts that is within me. For God has not given me  a spirit  of fear, but power and love and  great discipline. I should do his will in "awe" never being a shame of "Him". I also should use my spiritual  gifts submitting  to the Holy Spirit at all times----"not just on Sunday" everyday all day telling sin to go straight  to hell from whence it came. Bottom line we all should  want to live under God's control. Except your Father's wisdom boasting about the Good news all day everyday. Talk to your Father allow the Spirit  to minister to you, pursue his righteousness, rejoice, pray and give thanks remembering that his presence goes with us everywhere we go. Remember stay focus we are not perfect but we will be more alert. The choice is truly your may you all be blessed going and coming. Amen!

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