Sunday, July 16, 2017

Elohim! directs ordinary flawed sheep, to carry out his extraordinary plan.

"Elohim!" took a King from an uncultivated country in order for Samuel to anoint him. It appears our "Father" played a bit of a guessing game with old  Samuel. Reason being " He" only gave Samuel an address...the house of Jesse in Bethlehem with no name. In other words Samuel "see if you can see what I see." Our "Sovereign King" had a keen sense of humor... "don't you think." Eventhough; Samuel feared Saul he went on to Bethlehem anyway. Why? Because; God gave him a valid excuse to hide behind---and that excuse was to hold a sacrificial meal. A proven fact that when "He" send us on a mission we will be protected  at all cost. And Saul never imagined that he would be replaced by such a handsome youngsters. May I add that indeed--- he was the Father's man! "Samuel  anointed him in the presence of his brothers" and from that day on the Spirit  of the Lord was upon David in Power this little shepherd boy; with a ruddy complexion. Wow! At last this maze of a puzzle is complete.

Our "Loving Creator" work's  in countless ways, and somewhere "He" pulls the threads  together. "He" use people of all ages. "His" method is always  divinely fascinating and often suprising.  At times it requires great sacrifice and courage to overcome our fears.And  You best believe "Our Father from up above has "His" hand on the wheel, with "His" on  the twist in the road." To "follow" the Lord, is sometimes  a strange, painful and difficult experience, but it is always adventures. Amen!

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