Thursday, January 17, 2019

"Lift & Shift Us Lord! Right on into Release!! Elevation!! Prosperity!!" and the much more anointing.

Heavenly Father forgive me for my sins and continue to lead me in the right direction and protect me from what I cannot see. Lord I declare and decree a more deeper and private relationship with "You", so; that I may publicly have a greater impact for "Your" kingdom. I Thank "You" Lord God that I can seek "You" first, Lord consume me with "Your" kingdom and "Your" business.... let "Your" light so shine in me God that every man, women and child can see my god works. Glory! Glory! I Pray that with "Your" wisdom, knowledge and understanding of "Your" word I can continue to fulfill "Your" promises here on earth... I thank "You" for the flow in the frequency of the Holy Spirit. Lord "You" said in (Matthew 6:33); But seek first the kingdom of God and "His" righteousness, and all these things shall be added to me. I realize God that if my offering means nothing to me, then it means nothing to "You" God. I treasure my value to "You" God always and I thank "You" so very much for valuing me. Jehovah Rapha "You" are "awesome", I thank "You" for saving "Your" unreached children all over this world.Thank "You" Lord for sending out "Your" laborers. Thank "You" for the wind blowing over my concerns,my family, my household, my job, my sons, my daughter, my grandchildren, my vision, my elevation, and my extended family and friends. "You are my market place "You" have set forth the kingdom in my presence. I declare and decree my petition before thee and that my prayers will be answered. Be it unto me according to your word. Thank you Lord for this is the day that "You" have made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!!!! Father because "You" gave me the spirit of wisdom and a revelation of "Your" knowledge! And I Love "You" Lord!
  I thank "You" for my attitude test and check from "You" today and everyday coming forth in Jesus Name. I declare and decree Father God that I have the attitude and mind of Christ Jesus. Oh magnify the Lord with me and "His" mercy endureth forever. I will bless the Lord at all times and "His" praise shall continually be in mouth. God enlarge my territory... so that I may take the seed of knowledge of "YOUR" word and release it into the atmosphere to manifest in my life and others attached to me.  I Thank "You" Lord for your grace and mercy, and all of "Your" glory! You’re an amazing "Father"and I’m so loved by "You"! Keep me "under the shadow of the Almighty God" and I Know that I will continue to be blessed beyond measure with all your "Godly Favors" in the name of "Your" Son Jesus for this is my season for grace and favor, glory to God! This is my season to reap what I have sown! So Lord, open the flood gates of Heaven and let it rain down upon me. Amen! SHALOM! SHALOM! The Wind of God is blowing Peace! God I pray "Your" name be known in all the earth. Amen! Amen! LORD! GOD! "You" 'said there is no change doing the same thing OVER and over. You my child have to Believe it to Receive it. You should know the word of the Lord to the point that what  you see happening before you should not startle you...true knowledge exists in knowing that I know nothing without "You"  So do not lack my knowledge it is the Word of the Lord! "You" said "You" want authentic like Jesus! and that we can not reap what we refuse to Sow.' Glory! to God "You" guarantee "Your" promise through a covenant sacrifice. Through "Your" eyes I can see differently.(Genesis 15:8-10); I declare and decree exceedingly multiplication in every aspect of my life.. Increase my territories Father.. Increase my capacity to be able to receive your will for my life. Let this prayer petition be according to your word. I love you Lord! Amen!

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