Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Uncommon Blessing are just ahead!

"Uncommon blessings are just ahead! I decree and declare it right now! Let it be according to your word Lord!" Provisions in all things will hunt me down. I will not toil in my own strength anymore, I claim restoration and blessings. I rise up begging is over. I thank you for your goodness. I thank you for never forsaken me. I thank you for "Your" unconditional love, I thank you for healing in my body, for this is the day that the Lord has made for me to produce much fruit. Let "Your" mighty rushing wind of entrepreneurship blow my way. I pray for "Your" amazing Grace touch me Oh Lord,  and heal this land, I seek "You" first and "Your" righteousness so; I am flipping the page and I seek your Kingdom Father God. Bless my family, friends today with salvation, mercy and grace. I lift up "Your" banner and a standard has been raised. "You are Lord of all Lords and King of all Kings. My days and my nights will Produce productivity, joy, happiness, uncommon favor, mercy, unexpected financial blessings. My feelings and my mind will align up with "Your" word in Jesus Mighty, mighty name. Amen!

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