Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Supernatural financial increase

Lord; I thank you that "You" are allowing the wind of the spirit of God to produce many vast harvest-est in my life in record timing. I reap my harvest of supernatural financial increase... in 2019. My health and wealth is significantly better and I walk in health and wealth in Jesus name. God you intended this for me when "You" created my body. My heart overflows with joy of you Lord because; you are Lord of all Lords and King of all Kings. My tongue speaks life always. I walk in prosperity. I walk in healing and I heal others in the process. I pray "You" continue to connect me to the King. This is my year of elevation. My year of the lifting. I rise in the fullness thereof. All my needs are met. I win souls for the Kingdom. I decree it and declare it in the mighty name of Jesus. I thank "You" that I will never live from check to check again. God I ask you that you put your protective covering over my life. I pray that my days and nights become full of praise... no matter what because; this is a great year for miracles. Its my season to get it right and do what "You" would have for me to do. I declare that this will be my best year yet. I ask "You" that may my annually income become my weekly income. I pray that the oil in my house will never run out. This year will produce supernatural results in my life and God you will receive all the glory. I believe and receive all this in Jesus precious name!

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